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Posts posted by RockStar

  1. Excellent poll! I'm interested to see the results. Russian accented English for me. As much as I love realism, learning a new language is not an option. Pausing the sim and reading a message is obsolutly an immersion killer and completly distracting when trying to deal with threats and maintaing sane flight the BlackShark. A great campaign with English voice would bring allot of enjoyment to me and I am sure many others.

  2. I would vote English voice with Russian accent. I love this sim, but not enough to learn Russian. I too have a tough time trying to read subtitles when trying to concentrate on flying and fighting in the Black Shark. Russian accented English....that would be the perfect fix. We need some of these campaigns/missons built IMO, I can't find any out there now. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places.

  3. I bought the Saitek Pro pedals when they first came out a couple of years ago (I had already owned my CH for a few years by then). I had a part break in in the Saitek Pro the rendered them un-usable. They did graciously send me the new part, as it was a known issue at the time. But I have never taked the time to repair it though and have gone back to my CH. I'm not much of a repair man I guess.

  4. I would say if you are going for something that will last...go CH Products for sure. If you are going for feel, I like the Saiteks...Though mine only lasted 6 months before biting the dust. My CH Pro Pedals have been going strong now for 5 years.

  5. Well, it hasn't been reproducible since I switched from Aero, which is really really odd. :P I am fairly sure I have the latest drivers, but I'll doublecheck that tomorrow since I just used it's auto-updater. Never trust those buggers to do anything right. :P


    You other vista people, do you run in windowed mode? If in fullscreen, do you use windows Aero as a theme dressing? It's the one lead I have at the moment, but since I rather fancy the graphical prettiness I'd much like to find myself a more detailed idea of what the cause might be. (Hell, I think I'll just run a total driver update overhaul of the whole machine, good idea anyhow.)



    Fullscreen mode with no Aero. Maybe Aero is the culprit?

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