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Posts posted by darrenl

  1. Thanks FlightAce,


    I tried out your profile last night and everything works fine, but for some reason my axis controls stopped working. They were configured OK, but that profile seems to overwrite them for some reason. I didn't see any obvious reason why axis controls would no longer respond using your attached profile. Any thoughts?



  2. ...wonderful, beautiful enablers :megalol:


    I've been lurking and wondering if I should get this (...I own both A-10 and BS2...), and after all the videos and screenies, I finally caved in.


    Can't wait to try this one out as it seems to be growing on a lot of you.




  3. I was running it in SP with no issues.


    Just an FYI. The tanker called Texico takes a bit to get past the airport where you're taking off...so take your time spooling up. Check F10 to see where the tankers are before you take off so that you know at least one is close. First time I tried this mission I couldn't find Texico because...well..he was behind me ;)

  4. Yeah...pitch was also my issue, even when just trying to connect. Seems that the tanker and I are in a constant battle to keep at the same altitude. I'd pitch down, they'd go up...they go up, I go down.

  5. So I wanted to try inflight refueling. After a couple attempts and plenty of rounds of playing "lets follow the boom", I finally did it. Sure, it was only for about 2-3 seconds of contact...but I did it. :pilotfly:


    ...do I get a cookie or something now?

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  6. Darren thanks for the post! Got my account fixed.


    It's been a long week at the new job, but I will have several missions done this weekend and I will start posting them. For the most part it's just parking spaces and they changed the editor to match way points in game. So over all it will be an easy conversion.


    Here is what I was doing today!


    Prepping new Kawai's for the showroom floor.


    ...ohhhhh nice bikes. Can I have a red one?

  7. OK...looked through all the threads and didn't find this for beta 4.


    Just tried the Air to Air training mission and everything goes swimmingly until it asks me to acquire a lock on the first aircraft. I get the lock and then the instructor doesn't say anything once I do. I end of firing and still nothing.


    Wondering if this is a known issue or if I'm missing some step in the process.


    Thanks in advance.

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