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Posts posted by Cheb44

  1. I use the controllers almost exclusively aside from the rearm screen and sometimes the communications menu when using things like CTLD.


    I however do not use both, just the left hand. I set it next to my throttle like its on my virtual knee. I don't actually reach to click buttons either. When you grip the controller it gives you a laser pointer you can just point and click the buttons. And for right click just hold your palm up, laser pointer changes from green to blue for right click.


    I find this method much easier than the mouse, easier to find the hand, since I can see it. I don't have to hunt for the mouse icon, and I have a literal laser pointer to click with.

  2. shouldn't look at it as a replacement for the A-10. It is more closely a replacement for scout Heli's with a small helping of A-10 like support.


    Without pulling the numbers I would imagine a Super T. is cheaper to maintain than say the now retired Kiowas.

  3. Lol yeah I am not reading any manuals, I have enough -1's to keep up with without adding any from a game.


    As Storm stated, I have used Chuck's for some things I didn't know and watched some youtube. MAC is going to be good for the in between I imagine and will be a good starter sim.


    Maybe you are just looking at the so called Elitist wrong. More often than not games that have a high learning curve end up getting "dumbed down". I think most of the people coming across as elitist are just very defensive of our last bastion of true study combat sims.


    I look at it like this, if there is something difficult (any where in life) I don't look for someone to make it easier for me, I look at as a personal challenge that needs conquering.


    I am seeing a trend though, many of the guys saying "get better" are military. Maybe we are just assholes lol.

  4. Unless I'm on crack, they are. I've used them in multiplayer.


    Will have to look again. I know I have seen a mod with MPRS, haven't seen the probe/drogue but I could be wrong. That would be cool.

  5. Hi Boris, I use a HOTAS yes. I don't use the touch for controls it's just buttons and switches. Interaction with most cockpit controls is with the left controller. It sits next to the throttle (Warthog) The hand is hidden outside of the VR pit if that makes sense and no it's not cumbersome. I just pick it up when I need to. I still use the laser pointer system as the actual touch works but hasn't been refined.


    A full startup is so easy this way.


    Hope that makes sense.


    Same thing I do, and I concur it works just fine. I was using both the left controller and the mouse for some things, but for whatever reason the last patch made it where you can't use both the touch and the mouse, so it is just the touch now.


    To add to this, I don't have any issue with picking up the touch controller. Where I put it is as if it were sitting on my knee (actually sits between my throttle and stick) so doesn't block anything and that disembodied hand is actually quite easy to grab. Only time I sometimes find it difficult is initially finding it before it is activated at the start, and sometimes the upside down right click function is a bit unnatural feeling.

  6. Let me help you a bit.

    Skunk Works originated as a division of Lockheed. The A-10 was built by Fairchild. The F-16 by General Dynamics. The F-15, McDonnell-Douglas.


    So back to the AAR part. The Pharoah nailed it. The maps dont require AAR. So you can bypass it. Two bags of gas for the throttle heavy, a single for the more conservative. Tying up resources and overly simplifying an already simplified task (that isnt a requirement on the small maps) because people dont want to take the time to learn it, is wasteful and selfish. There are more pressing bugs to the basic functionality of the sim that are better suited for the time available. Resource optimization, visibility, netcode stability.


    "People dont have the time". Thats a cop out. Instead of jumping into your Air Quake server on your limited time, setup a mission (or download one of the several free ones) dedicated to AAR and practice.


    All spot on. I would like to see bigger maps where I can setup scenarios where a strike package leaves out of Bahrain or Al Dhafra and need a top off before entering the AO and after. Or a dynamic campaign that can handle something realistic like taskings. That feeling of desperation when you loiter a little to long because the guys down range need you there, and you have to get to the tanker can be as exciting as anything else in game. At least to me, and I am sure the other hardcore sim guys.


    BTW, Altus huh? That brings back memories too lol.

  7. As a former Boom Operator and later commissioned pilot on the other end, this is a subject close to the heart. :)


    I want it to be harder too, that basket needs to move with the bow wake. Also it isn't hard to leave the end of your probe in there as a gift to the boom operator.


    I remember two instances of being TDY, once to the West Coast flying out of Travis refueling some 18 noobs doing some refueling training and another instance doing Intial Qualification training for some 16s down in Luke. Those were the scariest refuelings I have ever been involved in, and I have done it in some crazy bad weather as both the tanker and receiver.


    Good times, the 18s were the first E models deploying. Later, funny enough, we worked with that same VFA while deployed. That deployment I refueled the last deployed F14 group and the first 18Es. They changed out in the middle of our deployment.


    Back to the game, I would like to see 135 models with the Probe/drogue attachment on the boom and one with the MPRS.


    Something else occurred to me. A fully loaded A10 struggled to maintain refueling speed in real life. Is this modeled? We had to do what we call toboggan refueling where we would start a shallow decent just so they could maintain speed.

  8. Okay, so before the patch I had no problems with the Mouse. I was able to use the touch controllers or the mouse.


    Now my mouse in the game is round, not the pointer/cross, and doesn't work in the cockpit. Does work on menus such as the communication menu. Touch controller works fine.


    The option to use the mouse is checked in options.

  9. I just experienced much of what you speak of here . It is a bit disconcerting being blind the first time . It will take a bit of thought about adapting . It does require something of a leap of faith . HOWEVER :


    It is all absolutely worth it ! Just sitting in the cockpit on the ground is a revelation , let alone flying . It really is something you have to experience to understand .


    This is truth.


    Look at it like this. It takes time to learn that HOTAS too. The VR isn't any different.


    Your going to have some challenges with the key mapping. A few solutions I use, in addition to a good HOTAS with a lot of buttons, is I have a gaming keyboard with a row of six programmable keys along the left side. They are easy to find. Also I have been getting pretty good at knowing where my function keys are, since they are spaced in groups of four they are easy to find. Also space bar and arrow keys are easy to find. I could go on.


    What I am getting at is you can adapt pretty easy. I also use Vaicom Pro.


    I am pretty new to DCS (Long time Falcon BMS guy and IL2) I actually moved over here because of the VR support. I have never flown in DCS without VR actually. I am a pilot as well, and practicing touch and goes in P3d in the A2A 172 is a game changer.


    The biggest downside that is hard to deal with, is you are cut off from your home, you might as well not be there. That's great for the game not so great for watching the kids or paying attention to the better half.

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