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Posts posted by Pesanta

  1. Well done



    Funny seeing the China Lake skin in combat though.



    I got a couple of notes about that from those I asked to give constructive criticism. I agree, it is a tad bit extremely out of place. But, I decided to keep it in the end, mostly because it matched the color palette so well.


    A cinematic that I made a while back. Hope y'all like it!


    If you have made, are currently making, or plan to make DCS films, consider joining the DCS Filmmakers discord! We also have a group on this very forum, click here to take a look at that.


    The file for the massive formation and maneuver at 4:36 is linked below. Check it out if you're interested in making a large formation but, like me, don't have that many friends!


    F-18 Formation Aeorobatics for Project Bowfighter .miz

  3. Nealius, DCS is installed to my SSD, and thank you for your reply!


    KTFBGB, I don't fully understand your suggestion as far as the frame rate goes. The video is slow motion, yes. This is to negate any frame stutter that might show in the final product. I typically speed up my videos so it appears real time, and therefore do not have any frame loss. If you mean that the recording software was set up for 61 frames a second, and my game was at 60, then yes, I suppose that might cause this issue. However, the flickering and layering occurs in game regardless of whether or not the recording software is running. Also, I have tried deleting the folders you've suggested, with no success. However, I appreciate your contribution!

  4. Hi


    what is your pre-load radius and visibility range set at in options?


    try increasing them they maybe set to short.

    Thanks for the reply! My preload radius is set to 124100, and visible range is set to high. I messed around with both of those settings, and it seems to be happening regardless of what values my settings are at.


    (As a side note, while messing around with the settings DCS froze up a couple of times, which is somewhat normal. However, it also hard crashed my entire PC upon exiting the program one time, which is highly abnormal in my experience.)

  5. Hello all! I'm making a short film in DCS, and the cloud layering, coloration, and shadows will not stop ruining my shots. (See link)


    I've tried changing all the settings I can think of, reinstalling, verifying integrity of game files, changing the time of the scene, the location, the aircraft involved, and even changing the scene to an online mission.


    Any ideas? PC specs are in signature.


    (If this is the wrong place to post this, I apologize, and will post in the correct place if directed there.)



  6. Thank you for the reply! Yes, I am trimming as speed increases. The required amount of nose down input for level flight is (mostly) constant. Small variations need to be made for the increase in speed, but even directly after rotation, I need to push my nose down a significant amount just to maintain level flight.


    Pictured at link is centered, level, and maximum travel for stick.



  7. When flying the A-10C, I have to constantly push my nose down, regardless of load or trim. This is not the case for the F/A-18. I cannot figure out why, and it's driving me crazy. I've re-configured my joystick, installed and re-installed drivers, and trolled the forums. Nothing seems to work. Can someone help me out here? Linked below are screenshots of the axis view window for both the A-10C and F-18 after following proper cold start procedure. (I was not giving any imput to the joystick when these shots were captured, and they were captured directly one after another)




    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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