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Posts posted by Lt_RAzOr_957

  1. So you are firing Vikhr without locking on anything, like up in the air. And then simply changing aiming point on target when you estimate Vikhr is near target.


    That is not lobbing. That is just launching Vikhr in normal manner. As launching it doesn't require target what so ever, as Shkval doesn't care where you launch it, as long you meet launch parameters.


    ok sorry mate


    in future im not going to interact with you anymore as it is a waste of time because you could just ask if you dont understand something...but you decided to trashtalk like im firing the vikhr with the shkval caged

  2. the interesting part is another perosn who asked seemd t understood the lean explanation aswell but im always happy to help new players aswell :)


    Edit: + as im getting tired to always explain you why stuff is as it is i invite you for a mature talk in discord then you can explain me why it "shouldnt " work and i explain you why it does

  3. As always then, you don't know how to explain your claim that you can "lob" Vikhr when it can't be guided without constant guidance.


    Please enlighten how are you "lobbin" your Vikhr without guidance?


    Just For Your nformation its constantly guided but AS ALWAYS you dont get the informations out of my text, okay lets try this ONE MORE TIME just FOR YOU


    Step1: Find TGT LRF it


    Step2: Get back in cover

    Adjust your guidence beam and stay if possible on the azimuth of the TGT


    Step3: Fire your Vikhr by overwriting your LA


    Step4: guide it wowards the TGT until its 3 sec ahead of impact


    Step5: pop up high enough to aquire LINE OF SIGHT WITH YOUR TGT AND POINT THE CENTER OF YOUR I251 WITH THE LASER STILL FIRING ( YES i dont turn it off halfway trough , ...surpirse surprise....) AND SHACK THE SA8 OSA OR TOR BEFORE IT EVEN CAN POINT ITS TRACK Antenna towards you hope that helps Mr. Frie

  4. Actually you shouldn't be able to do that.


    When you launch the Vikhr, the Shkval system starts guidance via laser beam that is shaped continually to narrower and its power is increased by timer, that is estimation of the Vikhr distance from you. The idea is to keep the beam diameter about 7 meters on the Vikhr position, not narrower nor wider. And this is to minimize or completely avoid the target detecting it is targeted and guided on using laser. As many ground units (especially MBT's) has laser warning systems to detect when laser beam is anywhere near them, they get triggered for laser ranging and laser guidance from about 50 meters of the spot when they are somewhere side of it, and if spot is further than them so they are between spot and laser desginator then they can detect it far further distance, and if they are opposite side of the spot they can't detect it if there is no reflection (almost all laser energy is reflected back toward the designator, not much to sides and nothing on opposite sides). And the beam shaping with the laser energy increasement makes possible that target will not receive the laser warning system alarm than in last second if even then, as the Vikhr has reached the target in that moment.


    The Vikhr guidance beam is coded for a four zones, and Vikhr rear end laser detectors will scan the laser code and it knows what is on what direction. So Vikhr knows how to steer itself toward the center of the coded cross by circling around the center until it gets center of it.

    Then it will keep flying at center of the beam by constantly visiting each sector momentarily. Why you do not want to move beam radically so the Vikhr can keep track on what sector it is and fly toward the other zones to find the center.


    Now if you cut the laser or you block it, the Vikhr missile gets readout from the last known sector, it doesn't know how far it is from the center but it only knows on what direction it needs to fly to see a another sector. Now when you blocked/cut laser, Vikhr starts maneuvering faster to direction where it is expecting to find the laser and expected sector code. And as it can't detect anything, it thinks it is lost and it will start steering faster to expected direction.


    Now you can't just bring laser back on the target. As the Vikhr is far from the calculated 7 meter beam diameter and it is basically lost. Only way to get it back is that you aim laser where Vikhr is flying so it can capture the beam, find on what sector it is and start guiding itself back to expected pattern center. But as the Vikhr was in a deep circling phase in that moment, you can't "capture it" back inside beam as you would need to follow the Vikhr to get it more stable and then start guiding it back on your intended target by moving beam slowly back to target.


    The Vikhr guidance doesn't stop on the moment the laser beam is cut and missile would fly straight, as it thinks it has just moved outside of the guidance beam and heads toward it, as it doesn't know was it cut off, blocked or moved.


    dude as always youdont get what im explaining

  5. That's an interesting idea. But how do you launch without a shoot cue? Or do you lock em up, shoot, drop and then popup at the last moment?


    Genuine question by the way - not trying to have an argument about whether it would work...


    i do it that way i laserrange find on the grass or basically a non aquireable terrain next to my actual tgt then dop ALT again overwrite LA by flipping it to manual mode and thens hoot and do the above

  6. Ok then. Is it because you are flying it in high threat enviro's where helicopters would not be used or whats the deal? When I fly the BS in as close to real helo conditions as possible it seems quite up to the task. If you are going to just sit and hover like an Apache at Karbala of course you are going to be a target. High speed low level attack and egress.:thumbup:


    YES, or you can basically Lob vikhrs by knowing distance ----> flight time to the target and you just sta covered behind trees terrain until the ATGM is like 3 sec away from impact then you climb up and let the vikhr ride onto the SA8´s ass


    ive done that a couple times when there was no other way to kill the SA15 or OSA messign in my territory mate



  7. What do you guys think of an ABRIS function to update the DL information during a Mission by the groundcrew or something??


    so FE. when im flying on TTI (Through he Inferno) and i wiped out an A2G Attack Helo Mission and im heading back to the farp there will be a new one spawning in less than 5 minutes. Therefor it would be awesome to have an update function for the abris to regain DL iformations of the new Mission as this is set by the missiondesigner to be given These informations in ME. Cause at the current state of the Kamov you Keep seeing the "old" smacked Targets and wont get a new DL "update" unless you reslot. Or Maybe im missing something ??


    Let me know what you think, and if you believe it would be helpfull.

    Maybe we get ED to include that to a Openbeta update. :book:

  8. AWACS is the problem. Human GCI is easy to contact as shown above if he's available. But AWACS should be accessible at least to provide a better SA as also mentioned above. I only hoped with AA missiles being added to the Shark contacting AWACS would then be an option. Although, as mentioned earlier it should be regardless.




    JUST READ , we know that the thread is About awacs but he particular mentioned GCI aswell and we gave answer :)

  9. A-A Mode works perfectly fine, VIKHR fuzes perfectly shot down MI28 and Gazelle with it last week. Also Gun predicts perfectly, can speak out of experience last week also a Beaming Gazelle at 90 kts IAS had a bad day as i locked her up at 2.4 km distance and shot it down with 2 Bursts of HE 30mm Rounds ;)

  10. The SA342Mistral can contact AWACS and receive BRAA's for bandits. Obviously because it's an AA helicopter. Will the Ka-50 have access to AWACS once it's capable of loading IR AA missiles?

    Hope this small feature doesn't escape ED's plans :thumbup:


    i m honest ive yet not tried it to tune in on the requ and ask for a BRAA on any Server but if ist not possible tha would very important to complete.

  11. TL;DR:


    Not by default/as designed.




    However weapon stations cycle in game/arcade mode and you can mod ...


    • DCS\Mods\aircraft\Ka-50\Cockpit\Scripts\Devices_specs\WeaponSystem.lua


    so line 2 reads ...


    allow_cycle_loadout = [color="Red"]true[/color]


    ... to do the same in "sim" mode.




    Tested in Open Beta, not sure if it passes the MP integrity check.


    Does that break the IC ?

  12. KOM? No reason to use those, even beyond 2km.


    OFP2, on the other hand, can be useful against clustered or dispersed infantry. I'm imagining an AA unit that is denying you access to a particular area and/or you find yourself out of Vikhrs; Something of that sort. Instead of flying home with full rocket pods, there is something you can use them for at least half-competently.



    Other rocket types, such as the illumination and smoke variants, stand to have some useful employment via this method; not that they are often taken, though.



    S-13s are also quite useful with this employment.




    Basically, it gives the S-8s and S-13s a greater stand-off range then would otherwise be expected.


    why t f would you ever deploy s13 that way lol gotta be lucky to destroy the bunkers from 15 km range EVEn if thers no wind im out O7

  13. NOTE: It is entirely possible that the following procedure is already known, however, I couldn't see it listed anywhere



    Placing the target in the shkval's FoV (preferably close to the center) will yield - within reason - accurate shots. Tested out to the maximum lasing range of 15km, though it's damn near impossible to neatly place a target in view at those extreme ranges, since there is only so long you can keep the nose pointed up ~45 degrees before flying backwards.





    and why would you use KOM/OFP further than 6km ?

  14. Concerning the Black Shark 2 PVI 800 Memory (ist very low on space) or for whatever other reason it can only save 5 (6) Waypoints.


    My Question is are we going to be able to load in more on Black Shark 3 or is it going to be the same, would welcome any Infos on that.


    Happy Laser beam riding:thumbup:

  15. Hey, just a casual Question: was/is it possible to Designate from KA50 for a SU25 launched KH25ML and home in on as it is basically the same Designation medium. If that is accurate this to add would be a great expandation of dcs MP diversity and also a nice feature for some SEAD missions.



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