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Posts posted by SSneg

  1. Here are some nice pics from a trip to 917th Independent Composite Air Regiment (HQ at Kacha). Two full photo sessions: [helicopters] [aircraft] [more Be-12]


    A few Be-12:



    ...and a lot of Ka-27:



    Don't forget to check out full sessions, there are a lot of close-ups on interesting details of aircraft interiors and the overall quality is outstanding.


    Cheers and fly safe!

    • Like 2
  2. Добрый день!

    Бился-бился, вот пришёл за помощью.


    Добиваюсь аккуратного пролёта трёх истребителей в линию. Первый летит на высоте 1000м со ск. 500 км/ч и не шелохнётся. Красота. Остальные же в самом начале миссии "разбегаются" в стороны, при этом один возвращается на курс позже (сильно отстав от первого), а другой -- нет.


    Установки у трёх одинаковые: точка 1 и точка 2 на выс. 1000, ск. 500, режим "пролёт точки".


    Что я делаю не так?


    Отдельный вопрос: как заставить самолёты лететь с дымом?



    !!!New Mission.miz

  3. Moscow airport Pulkovo donated a non-functional Tu-134 to St.-Petersburg's M.Ch.S. (Russian FEMA) S&R team for training purposes. Transporting the plane by land was impossible without disassemling it, so the brave guys simply airlifted it 650 km in windy/gusty conditions (had to delay the operation for several hours).


    (that's Mi-26 of course)






  4. I'm note really in with that, to be honest. I have had locking of air targets foiled some times by the target flying behind a electric pylon, whereafter my lock stayed on the pylon.


    Though the pylon is destructible so it's possible that it works the same way in the game's logic.


    Bridge-pillars are lockable, Must check electricity pylons though.

  5. Flight manual says the optimal conditions are when a) gates holds 100% of the target inside and b) the target takes up ca. 70% of gate area. Why? Because it provides minimum recognition sensitivity with less chance the locked helicopter will unlock itself by flying over foresty backdrop (those shape-breaking camo patterns are there for a reason y'know).


    I don't think it matters in game though. All you need to worry is getting that gate in the center of the target because that's where your gun aims.

  6. I've a feeling that the game doesn't really simulate the target-tracking function of the Shkval system to a perfectly "real" behaviour. It feels as if the game doesn't at all lock with contrast but with something else...

    The fact that you cannot lock an already destroyed target kinda confirms this.

  7. Все прибамбасы -- это джойстик за 700 рублей.

    Твист -- это поворотная рукоятка джоя, для управления рулём направления. Для начала можно и без неё обойтись, хватит клавиатуры. А вот сам джойстик обязателен, в авиасимы нельзя играть с клавиатуры.

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