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Posts posted by RvL

  1. Been trying to get this latest version to work.
    Followed all the installation steps, but im getting errors which seems to only happen when i want to play online, offline works fine.
    When i selected a server and its loading i sometimes manage to get into the slot menu until it crashes or it already crashes when loading before the slot menu.
    The crash report only stayed for a short moment saying something about the D3DCompiler_47 file.

    Anyone knows how to deal with this error?

  2. Seems like i will have to live with it then since i already dropped everything to low or off and being at a 300/30mb cable internet connection that cant be the issue.

    When is ED finally again giving some information about multicore/VR optimalisation. But this time quality info instead of false announcements about it like the past 5 years.

    I love ED/DCS, especially the online gameplay. But the tweaking and being busy for hours searching for a performance sweet spot is really frustrating.

  3. 54 minutes ago, edmuss said:

    Personally I'm using 60Hz, 85% resolution with reprojection disabled in OXRDT.  I have FFR on quality wide preset with no upscaling.

    DCS is medium water/view/shadow settings, no MSAA with all sliders on full, 16xAF and flat terrain shadows.  On Caucasus I can run high/high textures all round, on Syria it's best to drop them to medium/low to keep the frametimes low enough.

    Using the above I can reliably pull 13-15ms frametimes (70-75fps) with occasional dips to 17-18ms (55-58fps) over cities on Syria.  There are zero artifacts and I'll only get minor ghosting when looking 3-9 when it's dropped below 16ms (60fps), as long as I'm facing in the forwards arc when below refresh rate then it's largely unnoticeable.

    This is using the A10C II and KA50 II, newer modules, particularly the apache are more intensive so I would probably need to drop settings somewhat to run it.



    Single or online?

    As a online only player myself im still getting stutters and unexplainable fps dips even with 50% resolution and all DCS settings to low or off at 60hz and no reprojection.

    I wonder if anyone with a likewise system as i do (5600x/3070/32gb ram) can play on PVE servers without weird fps dips and stutters.

    Specially the Apache is giving me weird dips. For example looking at a direction from inside the cockpit and fps dips and pressing F2 and im back at 60fps still looking at the same direction.

  4. Im also still trying to find the performance upgrade using OpenXR. And i cant seem to get it.

    Even at 50% resolution, no motion smoothing, every ingame option at the lowest, and im still getting stutters and fps drops. Even using the 60hz doesnt make it much better.

    I cant understand how there can be such a big difference of how everyone is experiencing DCS on their systems, even when systems are 99% identical.

    But im also finding some weird things like looking at a direction from inside the cockpit with even not any cockpit instruments in sight and getting bad fps with stutters. While pressing F2 and looking at the same direction and having fluent motion. Like, why, what is making the fps dipping?

    I really feel like ED really need to give some information soon about VR improvements and Vulkan to be able to play this game without doing all kinds of mods or whatever to make it playable without a stutterfest.




  5. 51 minutes ago, edmuss said:

    Your other option if you're holding 65-70fps is to run the G2 at 60 hz, because you're above refresh rate it will be butter smooth all the time.  Then you can increase the DCS settings till you just keep over the 60fps at worst case.

    On SVR I was 60hz all the time because the 3070 didn't have the grunt to keep above the 50fps threshold for MR to stay engaged, with 60hz it would reproject down to 30fps which gives a massive overhead.  Visually they are identical apart from the refresh rate flicker from the panels but that is a personal preference as to whether you can stomach it or not.


    Might try the 60hz again. Did it before, but indeed the flickering is somewhat distracting.

    @edmussIsnt it strange that having a constant 60 fps or above will not lock the fps at 45 with reprojection on? Or am i missing something..

    • Like 1
  6. Did a reset of wmr, but the stutters persist. With 75% render scale, no msaa, medium to low graphics, im getting between 65 and 70 fps, but i cant handle the stutters when moving my head arround the cockpit.

    Looks like im heading back to my previous settings and keep waiting for ED to introduce some serious VR improvements/vulkan.

    Nonetheless, i appreciate you guys projects like these which seems to contribute great improvements for many players. Keep it up.

    • Like 1
  7. On 3/25/2022 at 9:52 PM, edmuss said:

    There is currently a potential bug in the OXR reprojection so if you get an unstable image with it on then it's not working correctly; it's currently being looked into to see if a cause can be identified.

    Reprojection always on and unlocked with 100% resolution works nicely with my 3070.


    Done some testing this morning, and i cant seem to get any improvements.

    Doing the manual install of the files into the Bin map, keeping OpenXR at 100% and motion reprojection at off gives me stuttery movements while having a locked 60fps.

    Its like HAGS is on and im experiencing the problems i used to have months ago caused by HAGS. First thing i did was to see of HAGS was on, but it wasnt.

    Using reprojection makes it a visual mess specially looking at moving rotors. I only seem to get perfectly smooth performance when i lower the render scale all back to like 20%, no msaa, which in game gives me a solid 90fps. But offcourse the visuals are crap.

    Not sure why this is happening. If someone has an explanation for this im happy to hear it.


    Edit: extra info: i was sure to repair DCS two times and removed the FXO and metashader files in advance.

  8. Loving the project cause vr improvements are a must.

    Tried it. At 100% resolution and no reprojection/motion smoothing, im having jittery visuals when moving my head arround the cockpit.

    Unfortunately not seeing any improvements.

    At the moment nothing yet beats my 60% steamvr resolution with 2x msaa. Yes, not the same clearity as 100%. But looks good and no jittery movements.

    Will do some more testing with openxr using reprojection to see what that does.

    • Like 2
  9. 5 minutes ago, edmuss said:

    I don't know why the refresh rate flicker doesn't bother me, when I first started using VR with my lenovo explorer in DCS I tested out 60Hz mode but didn't significantly notice any difference but then I wasn't using motion smoothing as the resolution was much lower and the GPU requirements of DCS weren't as high as they are now.

    Once I got the G2 I tried it initially at 90Hz but was lacking in horsepower with a 1070 so knocked it down to 60Hz to get the extra headroom to allow smoothing to work.  I noticed the flicker for about 20 minutes but it is completely invisible to me now, even switching 90Hz straight back to 60Hz I can't tell the difference.

    Wish i could do that. Great you can! Saves some performance headroom.

    I cant wait for any vulkan/vr optimalisation. But its taking already so much time.

    Overall im pretty happy with my performance even in multiplayer which i only focus on in the F14. I do use Fholgers VR mod which greatly works giving me better performance untill any official VR/Vulkan update is out.

  10. Just now, Al-Azraq said:

    If I had read this before deciding to go back to W10 I would have tried it. Unfortunately I wasn't that pacient.

    In any case, going to try DCS VR on W10 and maybe I'll upgrade again to W11 after that and see if HAGS was the culprit.

    Yeah i know that feeling. Wanting to solve it as quick as possible.

    In my opinion its worth the shot trying once more and disabling HAGS. Im quite sure that had to be the problem. Good luck! Let us know when your doing it if it solved your problem.

    3 minutes ago, edmuss said:

    60Hz for life! 😄
    Will give it a try with HAGS and no smoothing, this will probably break the lovely smooth gameplay I already have but I'll try anything at least 

    I cant get used to the flickers. I do enjoy the smoother gameplay. But the visuals, the flicker is too distracting

    • Like 1
  11. I was having major VR performance issues with massive stutters making VR unplayable. A simple button switch to off and it solved my problem. I was going nuts reinstalling w10 and w11 multiple times before finding out i forgot about checking HAGS.

  12. Hi everyone,

    I just bought myself the Syria map and when i tried to download it, unfortunately i do not have enough disc space on my DCS SSD. Crap!

    I have two SSD's. First has my windows 11 install on it. Second has my DCS install on it. Both are Samsung Evo 250GB SSD's

    First SSD has 133GB available space left.  Second SSD has 55GB left.

    First thing that came to mind was buying a new bigger SSD. Then i thought, isnt it possible to merge the two SSD's into one SSD without losing my files, creating new available space for DCS.

    I checked google and it does seem possible. But i dont quite understand if its a reliable option to do and what the negatives are.

    Has anyone here have experience doing this?


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