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Posts posted by philkensebben

  1. So after a few days of soul searching and thinking about it I ended up purchasing a 43" 4K monitor. I couldn't quite bring myself to running 3x2K screens (which even on my 6800XT would of been hard to drive more than 4K worth of pixels), and I'm just not convinced that VR headsets are quite there yet (give it another 12-24 months).


    Thus far having done few hours of sim racing with the FOV dialled in and some basic kicking around in DCS (haven't started on the TrackIR tweaks yet) I think I've made the right choice. At least so far from sim racing I've had a noticeable improvement in fine tuning my lines, so I'll get TrackIR going in the next day or two and start working at getting DCS squared away.

  2. 4 hours ago, randomTOTEN said:

    Go into detail about the problems you are having with TrackIR. You've mentioned it 3 times in your post, and sounds like a lot of your issues could be resolved by getting it to work for you better.


    So the main issue I have with TrackIR is that I'm finding it strains my neck (and likely this is just my own problem). I find whenever I'm using it I sit very static or strain my neck muscles for a long time keeping what I'm doing static (so I'm not unnecessarily looking left/right/up/down), possibly this is because it is too sensitive? I've tried some of the profiles suggested on the forums and had a few good results, if I went the direction of bigger single screen or another 30 inch then I'd invest the time in TrackIR further to undersrtand the underlying issue of it.



    4 hours ago, Dangerzone said:

    Good tracking is obviously one issue you face. What about image quality? Are you happy to sacrifice what you can get on your monitor for VR immersion and easier headtracking? Where does finance fit as a priority?  


    Many people will suggest their recommendations based on their own priority preferences, and their own financial status. My suggestion is to write up a pro's and con's for going each way, and then order those in preference of your priorities and see what's at the top more.


    And this is the thing, with the VR headset the immersion is good from a tracking perspective, but the quality is not there. A lot of what I'm reading from others is they feel VR just isn't quite there yet (I'd tend to agree that we need something up around 150-180 degrees horizontal FOV).


    The more I write the more I'm starting to think that if I can get the TrackIR working to the best of it's ability then going for static screens over VR may be the way?


    Edit: Spent some futher time looking at something like a 43" Phillips 4K monitor, which might fit into that nice zone between not being 3 massive 32 inch screens, but gives enough FOV and clarity on the screen.

  3. I figured after a few weeks of mulling over different options, as well as at points throwing in the towel completely, it was easier to ask the collective group about their experiences.


    Basically I'm at a crossroads when it comes to displays and moving forward, and that is basically boiling down to one of three options. As it stands right now I play DCS, MSFS2020 and some sim-racing in one of two ways:

    - Single 32" 1440p flat panel (I have a second one setup vertically next to it, but doesn't get used for DCS)

    - Dell Visor WMR


    I've got a mixture of experience in both real-world flight and racing, the issue I'm finding is I run into lack of immersion. The single 32" is good from an acuity perspective, but I struggle a bit with TrackIR. Meanwhile, the Dell Visor is great from a tracking perspective (due to it being a VR headset), but obviously the acuity isn't fantastic and it has very specific golden zones in the lenses, where outside of them it's god-ray central!


    I'm at the point now where I'm trying to decide if I:

    - Buy a third 32" 1440p panel, change the second one to horizontal and have three next to each other, deal with TrackIR (would have to drive above about 4K's worth of pixels using my 6800XT)

    - Buy a single large curved monitor with a larger aspect ratio and continue to run a single screen for DCS, deal with TrackIR

    - Upgrade my VR headset


    Has anybody had either a similar experience, or could give any guidance? I'd be willing to invest another probably $300 (on-top of selling off what I currently have to improve it). For reference peripherals wise (in DCS) I have the Warthog HOTAS and an old set of Saitek pedals.

  4. I wanted to jump on this train as well and sing my praises to the model that HB has made.


    Coming from only owning the A10 for many years, owning the F/A-18 for around 6 months, and trialing out the F-14 I've got to say this has given me a renewed appreciation of flying without FCS.


    The dogfighting is so very satisfying as you feel like you've had to work for it.

  5. Some quick digging around I found this mod (which I don't believe works anymore):




    From there I looked and found the warheads.lua file they reference. You could probably try adjusting the second value (B he calls it) in that file for an applicable warhead and see if it works. I don't know enough about the inner workings of DCS to know if it would break other things or upset multiplayer but that's a start.

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