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Posts posted by Bandit404

  1. A radial will always be "from" a station. For example R090 will be due east of a VOR/TAC. With an HSI you have 2 options, either leave 090 as the course and hold off the "from" indication or que the reciprocal (270) and hold with a "TO" indication, either way you'll be in the same spot.


    For now the stack is always on the final bearing of mother but supposedly offsets are in the works.


    Long push times have also been brought up in these threads. Haven't heard of any resolutions. Personally I do one turn in the hold then proceed inbound as flying circles for 20 minutes isn't why I play DCS ????

  2. Tried to search but didn't find results, sry if already stated somewhere. I just updated the rig and now running 1440P with maxed out settings. I notice several of the default and add on skins drop resolution when zoomed slightly out becoming blurry. However several like Flying_Isoko's and Timber29's seem to keep the high resolution regardless of distance. Is this a function of the painters skin or is there a game setting on my end I can adjust? Thanks

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