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Posts posted by Topgun505

  1. I am setting up a training mission and setting up a JTAC that will lase/mark targets which are called up via a F10 menu script.  

    In the FAC - Assign Group menu item in the Advanced Waypoints you have a drop down for assigning a target. 

    Can this be left blank so that the FAC will target any hostiles within range and LOS?  I have multiple target groups that can be spawned in so just selecting one group would not be sufficient if I have to select just one to target.  

    Also, is the FAC -a item still needed?  Considering the FAC - Assign Group item has all the same information in it (callsign, Freq, modulation)?  

  2. I've been flying the KA-50 since it was just Black Shark, before DCS even existed.  A couple of days ago was in Blue Flag Syria and one of my squad mates was in a 50 and was saying that half way through his flight he was no longer able to lase his targets to employ the ATGMs.  I figured he may have mistakenly flipped a switch mid-flight so didn't think anything of it.  And, on reflection, I do recall in ages past that the laser can and will seemingly burn out but it usually took 2 or 3 reloads (so between 24-36+) ATGM launches before that was likely to happen.  It was happening to him on the first sortie.  A day or so later I was on the same server in a 50 ... and sure enough after about the 8th ATGM launch my laser was done.  All electrical was on, Laser switch was on, tried a reset, Master arm was on, ATGMs on.  But nothing .. could no longer fire the missiles.  Has anyone else experienced this recently?  Has there been a change in the laser behavior that maybe I just wasn't aware of?  

  3. Shooter was a F-14B.  Target was a F-14A.  Shooter fired at 13.3 nm.  About 10 seconds after shooting he turned about 90 degrees away and dove about 60 deg down.  At that point the closest AIM-7 (he fired 2 a few seconds apart) was still 10.3 nm away.  The target maneuvered to the left and the 7 tracked.   Meanwhile the shooter was flying directly away by that point.  Target went into a hard dive and pumped out chaff and the 7 still followed.  Time to impact was about ~40 sec after the shooter had turned away.  Does the 14A have any sort of internal jammer?  If it does then I suppose the 7 could have done a home on jam.  But if the 14 does not ... then yeah ... there's no explaining this missile still tracking.

  4. Two things I have noticed as of late after getting back into the 14 after taking a break for a while learning the 16.  

    #1.  The wing sweep position handle.  When you open the lid and pull the handle back to put it into oversweep if you use a mouse wheel to move it back ... instead of stopping at the end of the travel for the lever it snaps back to the full forward position instead (and consequently the wings sweep back forward).

    #2.  I have seen while reviewing Tacview files from Blue Flag modern, multiple instances of a 14 firing on a target aircraft with a AIM-7, and prior to impact the firing Tomcat is turning away from the target (not notching ... full 180 deg turns away) and yet the AIM-7 still hits the target (and the target in question has no jammer, so home on jam is not an explanation).  So the AIM-7 is acting like a Fox 3 missile.  


  5. So currently you can instruct Jester at what range and what specific altitude to search.  Which is good.  However here is a potential wishlist item.  It would be nice if you could command Jester to search two (or more, or all) altutude bands.  So ... tell him to search out to 50 miles and you can pick a band of altitudes (0-25,000, or 25,000-50,000 for example).  

  6. In the mission editor. I have a mission I am implementing some logic in. It is a run once. When I do the Do Script File and click on the Open button I get a browse window to select the file and that works fine. The next piece of the logic is I'm trying to do a Sound to Country, and am able to pick the country, but when I click the Open button I do NOT get a browser window to select the sound file. Nor am I able to manually enter the path to the file. I have run a DCS Open Beta repair but that has not helped. I tried making a brand new mission and adding this logic in first, just in case the previous mission file was corrupted somehow but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

  7. Similar issue I believe.  I have a mission I am implementing some logic in. It is a run once. When I do the Do Script File and click on the Open button I get a browse window to select the file and that works fine. The next piece of the logic is I'm trying to do a Sound to Country, and am able to pick the country, but when I click the Open button I do NOT get a browser window to select the sound file. Nor am I able to manually enter the path to the file. I have run a DCS Open Beta repair but that has not helped. I tried making a brand new mission and adding this logic in first just in case the previous mission file was corrupted somehow but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

  8. So a couple of times now while flying the A-10C and A-10C II when I have been jumped by Mig-29s /SU-27s  ... I noticed that the RWR was showing a L (laser painting me).  Do the Migs /SUs have a laser rangefinder as part of their IRST?  I've found it quite handy actually ... if you are suddenly getting a L warning and you know you are too high up to be getting painted by a ground vehicle laser range finder then you know you are getting jumped.  Just wondering if this is a known aspect of those Russian fighters.  

  9. So a couple of aircraft in DCS have the option to show a 'new' or 'worn' cockpit in their menu.  Could we get the same kind of thing for the aircraft carriers?  Looking worn is nice and all ... but (especially in the Forrestal) when they are SO worn that you absolutely cannot for the life of you see the runway/centerline markers on the deck ... that doesn't exactly help for doing carrier ops (especially when you are just starting out).  It would be nice to have a feature to turn on that would make the markings on the deck actually visible from more than 100' away.  

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  10. Did setups change for JTAC units recently?  I had several in a training mission I had developed and they worked fine until recently.  Now when I try to pull up the JTACs I only see one in the main radio menu.

    Main menu shows:

    • F1 Flight
    • F2 Wingman 2
    • F3 Wingman 3
    • F4 JTAC - Uzi11   (which is one of the JTACs ... this one does work but I used to see a total of 4 JTACs in the main menu)
    • F5 ATC
    • F6 Tanker
    • F7 AWACS
    • F8 Ground crew
    • F10 Other (this is for some custom scripting)
    • F12

    The current setup of the ground JTACs are:

    • EPLRS(on) -a
    • Immortal on
    • Invisible on
    • FAC - Engage group
    • Set freq
    • ROE weapons hold

    (Obviously in the appropriate sections I have their freq set and callsign, radio wattage, etc).  

    Has something changed?  How do you currently have JTACs set up?

  11. I recently attempted a night mission in the 342 and the night vision was absolutely horrid.  I couldn't really see much of anything and the night vision gain up and gain down did absolutely nothing (yes, I did double check to make sure my keybindings didn't get reset).  On flat panel 2k monitor with most grahpical settings set mid to high, latest drivers, using a 1080 FTW card.  I know it is not supposed to be crystal clear, but in their current state they're unusable.  Is there anything other than gain controls that can help with them?

  12. 11 hours ago, Frederf said:

    It's not "target diamond". Diamond is the navigation destination symbol. Target designation is a box with a dot in it.


    What slews get applied should depend on if you're in AG mode or NAV mode. In AG the slews adjust the destination-steerpoint offset. In NAV slews are biases to the navigation solution but I don't think that's in yet. It would be for nav position updates. The HSD destination and flight plan for example shouldn't be slewing about.


    The place to zero cursor slews is the "CZ" command which in this version should appear on the TGP page and the FCR STBY (and other radar AG) page. Unfortunately the FCR STBY page doesn't have it in DCS yet so it's only possible with the TGP carried.


    Yes cursor slews are global so all SPIs will be offset by the same amount in AG mode. You could see the difference between destination and SPI by looking at the DEST and STPT DED pages but DEST isn't in yet. Also I believe the "CZ" should highlight reverse video when slews are non-zero in this variant but I'm not 100% on that.


    So the bottom line is "Working as intended" ... and the ways to rectify it (if you are not carrying a TGP at least) are not implemented yet.  Note to self ... put in significant deadzone on the TDC cursor control.  heh.  

  13. Solved one problem and (maybe) found another.Don't know about the OP but my earlier issue was that my TDC slew was so sensitive that I was unknowingly slewing the TDC after putting in the coordinates.  So that explains the difference between the TDC and the target diamond.


    However.  (And again, this is doing all of this without the TGP).  When you slew the TDC in that manner ... it applies that change to ALL your waypoints/steerpoints.  So if my Waypoint 6 were back at home plate, after I had slewed the TDC at my previous target waypoint (knowingly or unknowingly) ... then when I cycle to home plate I will see the target diamond on the airfield ... but the TDC box will be slewed the same amount and direction as what I had put in at the target steerpoint.  Is there a way to zero out the TDC cursor?  I tried TMS aft short and long with the HUD SOI and FCR as SOI and none of that worked.  I see a way to undesignate in the manual but that is regarding the TGP.  Even if I make a completely new steerpoint after the fact and cycle to it, it will still show that difference between the TDC and target diamond for the location.

  14. 11 hours ago, Frederf said:

    TGP right now is the only place to access CZ function. If it's a problem which is a cursor delta issue then you're going to need it for diagnostic purposes. Were you in CCRP or NAV when you typed in coordinates?


    Edit:  Yes was in NAV mode during coord entry.

  15. I don't know if this is related or not.  Doing a mission in Syria.  Started a 16 cold start doing a stored heading alignment.  Took off as normal and entered the coordinates to the target to do a CCRP bomb run with CBUs (not using the TGP, although it is loaded).  It takes the coordinate entry and shows a diamond on the ground in the right location ... but the block of Nav data is showing 136 miles away on a different course (and yes, triple checked the coordinates) and the CCRP symbology appears to be locked to the locatiion shown on the HUD  and not the coordinates entered.  Cycling the WP increment and back doesn't seem to help.  If I turn on the TGP though it then snaps to the correct target location.  Have tried this entering the coords as a Steerpoint, and as a Markpoint (sp 26).  Same either way.  


    Added track.  This time it wasn't 100+ miles off but was still off a ways.  

    F-16 CCRP steerpoint test.zip

  16. On 6/19/2021 at 5:40 AM, f4l0 said:

    Here it is,


    the new SSA beta 2.2.3 with the Hind. (https://1drv.ms/u/s!AldPAmClTeGqgRTg0X5Dm56J689L?e=17kiRF) Due to very hot weather I was not able to test everything in detail. It's already 32°C or 90°F in my room... I noticed the cannon effect does not work. DCS does not report the correct number of shells, might be an early access issue. ETL and VRS values might need adjustments as well. I'm looking forward to your feedback.


    And thx for all the support 🙂



    Ok, for those of us who are new to the Sim Shaker.  Is it necessary to uninstall the current version first or can this be installed over top of the old?  Will the existing input settings for all aircraft modules be wiped out and need to be redone?  If so, is there a way to save existing aircraft profiles?


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  17. 8th gen Core i7 8600k (iirc .... not overclocked)

    64 GB RAM

    EVGA 1080 FTW (but am on 2d display, not VR ... so up until this point have had no massive bottlenecks in graphics performance)

    DCS is on a separate drive from Windows, 1TB M.2 Samsung Pro SSD with 300+ GB free space on the drive

    So it isn't blowing the doors off things in terms of performance, but it's not a slouch either.  

  18. I was doing attack runs last night and for a while his targeting was fine ... but half way through the evening when he would call out a list of targets and I chose one to desginate the floating crosshair would snap to the target and then drift all over the place, like he was drunk.  But I have not had a chance to try and see if I can replicate it.  No idea what happened to cause that to start happening.  

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