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Posts posted by LynxOfTheSky

  1. If you destroy a vehicle, that immediately explodes (tested on AAV-7, bmp-1, bmp-2, M113) instead of burning out (tanks) - the event does not return the normal result, but instead returns destroyed unit as a weapon, weapon_name becomes destroyed unit's typeName, target becomes weapon, and initiator is not returned at all. 

    I tested it in a simple mission (ka-50 vs one target, launch one Vihr at the target) with the attached script (tprint is just a function that recursively turns table to string). The result is in the picture.


    function tprint (tbl, indent)
      if not indent then indent = 0 end
      local toprint = string.rep(" ", indent) .. "{\r\n"
      indent = indent + 2
      for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
        toprint = toprint .. string.rep(" ", indent)
        if (type(k) == "number") then
          toprint = toprint .. "[" .. k .. "] = "
        elseif (type(k) == "string") then
          toprint = toprint  .. k ..  "= "
        if (type(v) == "number") then
          toprint = toprint .. v .. ",\r\n"
        elseif (type(v) == "string") then
          toprint = toprint .. "\"" .. v .. "\",\r\n"
        elseif (type(v) == "table") then
          toprint = toprint .. tprint(v, indent + 2) .. ",\r\n"
          toprint = toprint .. "\"" .. tostring(v) .. "\",\r\n"
      toprint = toprint .. string.rep(" ", indent-2) .. "}"
      return toprint

    local ev = {}
    function ev:onEvent(event)
        if event.id == 37 then
             trigger.action.outText(tprint (event), 5)
             trigger.action.outText('target: ' .. event.target:getDesc().typeName, 5)
             trigger.action.outText('weapon: ' .. event.weapon:getDesc().typeName, 5)



    BDA event fail.png

  2. Adding up to this issue, what i have witnessed in Foothold Caucasus Extended:
    - Tanks and ground units do not seem to share vision with players at all.
    - AWACS sees enemy planes "sometimes", they flicker in and out, regardless of distance
    - AWACS shows enemy Ships positions most of the time, but barely translates any enemy SAM radar positions.
    - Enemy planes, seen by friendly fighters are not shown at all.
    - Aerial JTAC works for about 10 seconds, showing all detected enemy positions, after that they disappear for good.
    - Ground JTAC seems to perform better, but enemies still flicker out sometimes.

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  3. Тестировал 2 дня с многопотоком одну и ту же миссию (4-6 игроков, 4 флота по 6 кораблей в постоянном движении, около полусотник наземных юнитов и столько же ПВО. Ботов на самолетах - в районе 10). Вот результаты:

    ФПС на МТ процентов на 30 выше в среднем, но незначительно выше и количество микрофризов. Однако, как только заходил на ф-10 - начинался ад и Израиль, постоянные фризы и замедления (курсор двигается, но раза в 4 медленнее, чем перемещается мышь, потом скорость восстанавливается, но курсор не перемещается в ту позицию, где он должен быть). И такое поведение - приблизительно половину времени на ф-10.

    На СТ при этом все стабильно, с ф-10 проблем никаких не наблюдается (ну кроме обычных).

    64 GB 3400 MHz Ram
    Aorus RTX 3700
    DCS стоит на выделенном чисто под него Samsung Evo 970

    На этой неделе возможно еще раз получится попасть на ту же миссию с МТ, постараюсь записать видео проблем с картой.

  4. Hello!

    I am currently in the process of developing a universal MFD, that will fit the best for all the modules, that are present in DCS (including the recently released Apache), as well as offer connection to all popular table mounts (monstertech, VKB, Virpil and probably WinWing). At the moment the requirements for it are mostly set, but I need a feedback of how many people would be interested in it for estimating prices and also for including in business plan for some investors.

    So, if you ended up on this page - please pass the short survey above, that will greatly help the project!

  5. Yeah, it only return weapons, not containers, fuel tanks, racks. As ai mentioned in redacted head, i had an idea to get that information based on weight of the unit, but I failed to find any kind of getCurrentWeight function. Which is actually strange, cause ED provided us with emptyWeight, maxWeight and maxFuel.

  6. Hi, i am trying to do a dynamic in-mission limiter, of what can you use, for players to unlock certain features (like targeting pods) later, by completing tasks. Besides from just locking, some of them should also be limited, but in general, not linked to a certain airfield (for ex. you capture the base, you gain 3 targeting pods, but you can equip them on amy base for sake of slightly more arcade gameplay).

    I've tried solving the task, but failed:
    - getAmmo function returns only ammo, so you can't check things like targeting pods and fuel tanks
    - weapon_add event is invoked only on spawn (both in air on on ground), so if you spawn empty plane, and then player rearms and takes off, nothing is invoked
    - get_payload function from MIST returns loadout from mission file, it can't check "live" loadout, as stated in manual

    So, my question is: is there any way to do it?

    There is a possible workaround, based on unit weight, but I can't find a function, that can tell me current unit's weight. Anyone know such a function?

  7. Yeah, found in manual, my bad, page 272: "Computed MAG VAR is constantly calculated in the AWG-9 by comparing the IMU’s true heading with the magnetic heading from AHRS.". Although, are you sure, that when vC is calculated, the vM is even used (added to the INS heading)?
    Also another question, there are 4 digital sources of heading info to the pilot: HUD, VDI, HSD and BDHI, from where do they take heading information? Cause in manual (page 272) they suggest comparing headings on VDI (not from BDHI) with standby compass, so do all of them take heading from AHRS or only part of them?

    Again, RTFM. Corresponding to it, BDHI feed information from AHRS (DG + MAD, or one of them, depending on selection), everything else shows you information based oin true heading and vC/vM, depending on situation (vC in most cases, vM when your INS has failed, or when RIO manually switched to one of backup modes)

  8. Recently i decided to invest more time into RIO skills, starting with Persian Gulf 1992-3 event. And i encountered some effects, that i fail to understand, and i hope that you (or the developer of corresponding systems) can shed some light on them.

    So we spawned cold on forestal carrier deck, year 2016. I used RF datalink CV alignment, all went normal. Magnetic variation for the starting location was +1.7 (as shown in kneeboard), vC (computed/calculated magnetic variation) was about -5.4 due to carrier being huge piece of metal. Everything seemed normal here.

    Strange things started happening after take-off. As we go away from the carrier, vC should auto-correct itself (not immediately, but not too slow either, as far as i understand) to +-5 of the correct magnetic variation, but it was stuck around -3.4. After some flight and maneuvers it jumped up to +12, slowly correcting to something about +2.6.
    Similar behavior continued for the whole event (we respawned for 4 or 5 times). There is a video of the event from my POV, but it's too long, still might be helpful: https://youtu.be/BFaRZhipFY8

    While in flight, i started digging the manual, to find out, what is happening, finding out a part about vC and vM (page 272). Compasses correlated, so, as far as I thought, that was an IMU issue. But that seemed unlikely as well, cause we were probably 10-15 minutes in flight, and also datalink contact matched radar ones perfectly for the whole flight (until 12G maneuver by over-evasive pilot 🙂 ), which means INS was fine.

    One advice that i got from Karon, creator of flyandwire, was pilot to hold HDG button, to synchronize DG with MAD. But that raised new questions, about how this DG + MAD system works.

    So, my questions are:
    1) what can be the cause of vC not self-correcting after take-off from carrier?
    2) is it normal that vC jumped all upto +12 from initial -3.4 after a maneuver?
    3) how bad in normal navigation (not TACAN fix) that error in vC is?
    4) how does DG stabilize MAD? Is MAD value change just smoothed by DG? or both their values are taken into consideration and somehow computed?
    5) just a theory, could DG possibly have error (due to carrier start), which resulted in wrong vC, but because MAD is a primary source for compass, reading from it were correlating with backup compass?

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