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Posts posted by vrv

  1. I've been on a cold war kick lately so leaving the relative comfort of the -B is going to be very interesting. I'm a fan of the classics and flying the variants of the -A is super appealing because the garbage tier engines should be a hell of a challenge along with what I'm guessing is a even more analog cockpit. I'm going to have to break some habits that I have from the -B and as others have said the -A is the original and most prominent.

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  2. The link in your post takes the user to a controlled document, the dissemination of which is restricted by US federal law.


    Just because some knucklehead accidentally forgot to password protect the download link on a US Government computer system, doesn't mean its okay to possess or distribute the document in violation of the distribution statement which is clearly visible on the front cover.


    Hahaha watch out guys we've got OSI here.

  3. I tried changing the mode to game and it seems to fix the problem. It's only when I'm using simulation. I've also noticed that the rudder may not be the problem because in the cockpit and on my joystick there is no rudder input but I'm stuck in a left spin like the rudder is jammed into the side. The pedals at the bottom are in the center and it still does it regardless.

  4. When taking off I'm unable to control the slick because it seems like the rudder is jammed to the left. I can rudder to the right to counter it but I can't control the aircraft at all. I've never had any issues with any of the other modules and I've tried using different profiles / sans profile. (X-52 non-pro) I just end up spinning at high speeds or crashing when taking off.


    Edit: I've noticed that ingame the rudder is all the way to the left regardless of what axis I have it set on or if it's unassigned.

  5. I've been trying to get back into the Hawg but I can't find a profile for my X52 that will work. I tried JackBauers which I've been using for a while along with converting Strongharms, EvilNates X52 profile and Raggz's from the user files section. No joy on any of those so I'm guessing I need to make my own profile? When I try to load JB's lua file I get red errors in DCS and it seems like every profile just doesn't work. There isn't anything wrong with my HOTAS but I just need a working profile.

  6. I think that the C-130 would be the most superior aircraft for the next DCS. Thus I am going to start a thread to state my opinion when there are billions of posts and threads about the same subject. And I said good day sir.

  7. Hey Tharos remember that night we were cuddling and I was whispering sweet nothings into your ear? You told me what the next module was, the exact aircraft, model, etc. but I forgot because of amnesia after we went to Uzbekistan with that Delta team. You know when I killed that bear with my bare hands and got amnesia as a result? Yeah I was just wondering if you were going to tell me.

  8. Welcome to the wonderful world of a mud mover. Don't turn on labels because that is heresy. Pretty much everything else that everyone has posted should help out a lot but the biggest thing is experience. I've had plenty of times where I've flown around the AO looking around for what seemed like forever with the TGP, not found anything, used my MK1 and found what I was looking for. The different tools at your disposal are all great but you can't use just one of them especially if it isn't working out. Practice, practice, practice, experience, experience, experience.

  9. There is no next module and ED is going under. DCS is dead.





































































































    Now that you have become so infuriated at me that you are planning on hunting me down and the hatred, loathing and wrath of thousands of people is directed at me everyone here hates waiting but this is going to go on forever. When they announce that they are releasing DCS-CIA Case Officer the cycle of DCS will continue.

  10. Nothing beats rolling in danger close with the gun deep in Indian country. It's one thing to drop precision guided munitions from outer space but something completely different to get down and dirty with the Hawg the way it was designed to be. I always take out the SAM's, AA, etc. from standoff ranges and get up close once most of the threats are out of the way. Plus the best and only way to do proper CAS is low and slow.

  11. I spent years playing the Gulf of Oman map in BF2 so I am pumped to see it in the Back to Karkand pack. I've had a lot of fun but I hate the Metro map with a passion. While it's an interesting map I hate the close in, linear style maps and it's frustrating. It would have been awesome if they could have given us more maps to play but I'll have to wait until the 25th...

  12. EtherealN pretty much summed it up. You will get more adept as you get more experience. A lot of times it depends on the area of operations. It's easy to spot a massive tank formation out in the middle of an open field when your hunting for bear but if you are trying to find a proverbial needle in a haystack, ala urban environments, it's a combination of scanning, the targeting pod and the eternally useful MK-1 Eye ball. I don't know if DCS simulates the binoculars but I could have swore there were commands for that in the options. Studying the intel during the briefing is extremely useful and it doesn't hurt to either memorize where the targets are located or just write a small note somewhere.

  13. I'm happy with the Hawg and I'll still be flying her for years to come. Of course I have aircraft that I want to be made but at the end of the day my second love in life, the Hawg (1st is the Tomcat obviously) is always ready to go. If I spent half as much time as you guys spent arguing, guessing, preaching and whining about which aircraft is superior, should be chosen by ED, etc. I would have over 1,000 hours of flight time with the Hawg.

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