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Posts posted by vk2war

  1. As soon as someone offers to buy my HP Reverb I will update it with the new one. Having said that, just imagine putting on a pair of safety glasses (if you dont wear any) then blotch vaseline pretty much randomly leaving some space for some vision at the periphery and a tiny bit about 10 percent in and around the center. Thats what I see normally if I close my (now) good eye.


    With the HMD you have settings for Left Right or Both. Ive set mine for both. If I set it for right I see nothing. Setting it for left is so so. Kinda useless on both as well for me.


    The HUD however, is different. I see it. Its very good now with the MOD Harker gave me. I also have Lenses in the goggles for my prescription. This should fix the IPD issue, but I change it every so oft hoping to get it slightly better in the software. Sometimes it seems okay, others it does not. It also matters how the goggles are worn. Sometimes they slip down and you have to adjust. Sometimes its perfect sometimes not.


    The Double Vision thing Ive been told is normal for that distance with my condition and the lenses in. Then again, Im not too sure my Ophthalmologist gives too much of a flying continental as long as it keeps the tyres clean on his Mazerati Q Series. Yes Im slightly jealous.

  2. No worries mate, thanx for the vote of confidence. I love this world. I see it for the most better than I do real life. Hell I think I said I walked around my house with a microdrone and crappy 600tvl camera on my head, with Fatshark Goggles on and I saw better than I normally do. I think what @Harker has done for us is amazing, I am harrassing him for an A10C version (Lets hope he says yes). Honestly though, the brightness levels should be totally off the wall by switch anyway which ED should consider in an update. Crossing my fingers.

  3. Damn you're a miracle worker mate, thanks so much!!! Haven't tried it on the other maps yet, but hell I can read it like I couldn't before on the Caucuses map !


    I will check out the code and see if I can tweak it like you said.


    You would think, knowing the operational requirements of the planes, that the hud would change automatically, for example, if you are flying in the PG map, you would expect the HUD to change as you cross from Sky to Sea, to Mountain, to Desert. Where the scene is dark, the contrast would change as you go through from dark brown to light brown to blue to dark blue.


    I think green tends to be a good compromise, but its less easy to see when you're facing the sun.


    The new Supercarrier mod tends to be a little improvement, but what you just gave me, 1000 % better.

  4. Hi mate,


    Thanx for the reply. I guess its the HUD that is the biggest issue. WIth the AMPCD on start up, I usually, set it to night mode, so I can get an idea where I am. I will turn up the contrast to as far as it will go and turn symbology up to as far as it will go, from there I do as you said, hit the left middle button twice so it just shows the HSI.


    I can deal with having to do that. Its the HUD that is the problem. Its hard to tell if it needs to be brighter so it stands out more especially in the PG or Nevada maps. Or the contrast needs to be increased or colour changed. Definately brighteness would be the go at least to start.


    I dont need the windscreen tint to be darker. Unless that would make it more defined. So I havent really thought about that. I do know that if I jump into a Huey, the Yellow Reticle, is about the best HUD (loosely) display that I have seen, but I havent really spent too much time in the desert with it.


    Hope that makes some kind of sense.


    Will try your files now, and let you know, thanx heaps mate.

  5. G'day,


    I know that this will not affect most of you. So I implore your patience. I once was flying planes before I could legally drive a car. I was also shooting weapons as an Army Cadet that apparently scare the living hell out of Aussies for some strange reason, and winning competitions. My eye sight has always been okay, even under correction and in the Military it was always pertinent to my skill set.


    I have lost the ability to have a dominant right hand that works almost at all whilst pronating without severe nerve pain. Now I have also lost most of the sight in my dominant right eye (once always my good eye) after the last piece of titanium was inserted into my L5/S1 vertebrae.


    I went in in pain, came out in pain and without any vision for 8 weeks. When it returned the damage to my right eye was permanent.


    To that end I thought Id never be able to drive, fly micro-drones (FPV) racing, as my photo-sensitivity and loss of vision sucked and I guess still does obviously.


    To that end I sat around like a sook for 5 months staring into the abyss and walked past my FPV goggles so many times just telling myself why bother only to find out that I was wrong, very wrong.


    I cannot see faces anymore. Anyone further than a few feet from me kinda looks like a silhouette. Clearly defined outer lines, but everything in between kind of gets blurred into indiscernible characteristics.


    Regardless, I picked up my FPV goggles and plugged a battery into one of my tiny whoops. (If you do not know what it is just check out YouTube, they're are 65-70mm motor to motor micro-copters).


    So I stuck my goggles on and placed the Tiny Whoop on my head. Well stuff me drunk, I could see again with a couple of caveats.


    I walked around my house and was astonished that this crappy 600TVL camera allowed me to see my daughters face clearly from across the room.


    One might call out Eureka at that stage. Well this took me down the rabbit hole of buying a heap of stuff for MS Flight Sim. Then I discovered DCS.


    With my Photo-sensitivity being a problem, especially on the net. I have a 3 x 4K monitor setup and I cannot see bugger all unless it is in Darkmode. Its taken me 2 years now to sort out my system so I can just add filters in which ever browser I am using.


    Now, you have the background. Here is my issue. If you have not already tuned out, thank you.


    I started off in the A10C. I love it. My problem is, reading the HUD in it. The F-18 well, the HUD is just that little bit better for me to read. However, even with my HP Reverb on, with prescription lenses for it, I simply get a lot of double vision (Yes I play with the IPD). A quick Zoom in kind of fixes that, but heres the thing. I have every map, the only one I can really work in is the Caucuses map. Reason, its the only map that has a contrast good enough for me to barely see what the hell I am doing.


    Look, I do not know anything about Lua Scripting. What I need is the ability to turn the contrast of my HUD up along with the AMPCD which I cannot see at all unless it is in Night Mode. Its like looking at the sun to me, even with the brightness down.


    For whatever, the Maps on the AMPCD are pretty much one great big white mess. For me to see anything resembling a delineation of land/sea I have to switch to night mode. There are no blues in it.


    Thats my second issue, obviously the first being, Please can someone help me with the Contrast and Colour of my HUD.


    Since Supercarrier, things are a little better for me. I have been able to actually see on occasion a contact under me on the ground by about 5000ft, so things are a little better for me.


    What has me rattled is the HUD Issue mainly, on all aircraft I own. I may never be able to fly combat anything beyond visual range, but I would at least like to be albe to not cause my self a stroke trying to read my HUD so I can pass my check flight for my 101 with my Squadron.


    So anybody who may have a solution I would be really appreciative. I know the A10C has the ability to change HUD colour, I tried it, It just was not bright enough.


    I use a HP Reverb.


    Thank you



  6. I know its not the thread for this question, but, are you guys using USB 3 to HDMI converters for your MFD monitors or something else? My 2080ti is maxed out with 3 monitors and my HP Reverb so really no room left unless I dump 3 x 4K 32 inch monitors and buy a huge display, which is how I managed to swindle the VR out of the Minister for War & Finance. I think shed notice a 65 inch tv in my midget sized transmitter room.

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