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About Penfold-88

  • Birthday May 24

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS / Xplane 11, MSFS
  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Flight Simulation, MotorBikes

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  1. cool thanks for your help i wish i understood this better as i want to build a great training environment for my group but cant seem to get a basic PVE arena to work lol
  2. check us out we fly most weekends as well as in the week we are a small community and looking for new players join us on discord https://discord.skypirates.uk we fly all aircraft types and just have fun we are not a milsim squadron but a community squadron
  3. You can find VFS-252 Sky Pirates in the following ways... Socials Website: www.skypirates.uk Discord: https://discord.skypirates.uk Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skypiratesdcs/ DCS SERVERS (SP) Sky Pirates Public Training Server PVP/PVE (SP) Sky Pirates Public Mission Server PVE
  4. This is an open event to practice formation flight we are new to the squadron scene so don't expect perfection but if you have experience or even newbie and would like to share it please join us https://discord.skypirates.uk Server: (SP) Sky Pirates Public Training Server PVP/PVE
  5. what am i doing wrong here i cant seem to get the 2x items inside air 2 air easy tried following the guide 50 different ways lol
  6. sorry my bad ive created the zone but the AI spawns on mission start How do i make the AI spawn via the F10 Menu like the clone zones do ? sorry for all the questions still getting my head round how it all works
  7. @cfrag this worked a treat but i dont understand out to put it into the radio menu so it only spawns when called for
  8. i want a radio menu item that will eject a couple of AI for practiceing rescues but still want the ability for it to create auto missions when a player ejects
  9. and too be a pain how do you guys down your AI aircraft but keep autoCSAR so you can rescue pvp too
  10. adf not transmitting im not very good at this lol helps if you program the manager not the Auto fixed
  11. quick question regarding auto csar how do i add the audio files to play ?
  12. im happy to dm you the miz if you think there is a bug kind regards
  13. @cfrag here the entire config relating to that unit and a list of mods im using
  14. @cfrag sorry my rambling wasent clear lol its the Embark Menu For the Helo thats not showing in the radio menu my usual radio menu is there just not the Helo Commands
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