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Posts posted by Aurism

  1. Wanted to share a new way to add force feedback to existing flight sticks. The Puppetmaster method uses a Microsoft Sidewinder FFB2 gimbal mounted on the bottom of a frame to drive a flight stick on top of the frame through a linkage mechanism. Controls and axes are mapped to the top flight stick, and the bottom gimbal is only used for force feedback.

    Some advantages of this method:

    • Should work with any extended flight stick, provided the linkage geometry is adjusted to fit it
    • Uses springs in the top flight stick to counteract gravity instead of using the motors
    • Uses Microsoft DirectInput force feedback API, supports all existing force feedback effects in DCS

    This method is used in the open source Proteus simpit project (simpit thread here).

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  2. I fly helicopters in DCS and X-plane, and found myself torn between having either force trim and electronic damping/friction on the Microsoft Sidewinder FFB 2 joystick, or the magnetic sensors and increased button count of the VKB Gunfighter MkIII. I resolved to design a way to rig them both together to get the combined benefit. This gradually grew into a design for a complete collapsible simpit with a collective and retractable wheels. Happy to say that after a few iterations, the Proteus Simpit and Puppetmaster joystick designs are ready for initial release!

    More cost details are in the repo, but here are the bottom lines:

    • Full up Cost of Proteus Simpit: $1483
    • Cost of Proteus Simpit without Gunfighter MkIII or collective: $721
    • Full up Cost of Standalone Puppetmaster Joystick: $892
    • Cost of Standalone Puppetmaster Joystick without Gunfighter MkIII: $433

    The standalone Puppetmaster joystick is less than half the cost of a Brunner FFB gimbal with stick, and because it uses the original Microsoft Force Feedback 2 PCB, the Puppetmaster also supports all original DirectInput force feedback effects. Currently, the VKB Gunfighter MkIII with stick extension is used as the flight stick, but you could modify the design to support any other flight stick with a stick extension.

    To use in DCS, connect both sticks to your computer, map your flight controls to the Gunfighter axes and buttons, and remove all mappings from the Microsoft FFB stick. Provided force feedback is enabled in DCS, the game will still drive force feedback commands to any FFB stick it finds, including the Microsoft FFB stick. In practice, I actually use SimFFB to drive FFB commands more often than using DCS.
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