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TACT 24-1 Tactical Air Combat Tournament Tactical Air Combat Tournament, TACT, is an air-to-air competition among DCS squadrons with a high emphasis on PVP. It's designed to run over a couple of months in a championship type format (exact details will depend on the amount of teams that sign up). As many matches as possible will be streamed live. The event has its own discord server, check it out here: Schedule TACT 24-1 will run late September to early December. The exact schedule will be published after sign ups close. Teams can reschedule their matches based on availability, within reason, and as long as it isn't detrimental to the playoff schedule. Prizes There will be no prizes. We fly for glory! Streams We will try to accommodate as much live streaming of matches as we possibly can. Like past seasons, we will invite several popular streamers that can contribute to bringing TACT alive for the audience. Streamers/Links: TBA Missions There will be a total of 4-5 missions in the event. All missions will have similar distance, layout and weather (e.g. no extreme mountains or overcast). Some missions will be flown in theaters other than Caucasus. Only if both squads can field enough pilots in a given theater can it be chosen. The fall back option is to fly on one of the Caucasus missions. Results submission Match results shall be submitted by the winning team in the TACT discord (results and tacviews). Any disputes will be resolved among team representatives in the TACT discord. Signup The signups will close in 3 weeks, on September 13th 2000z. Sign up with the following format: Squad name, Timezone (typical flying hours), aircraft flown (non binding), Additional DCS maps availability (PG, Syria). See example below: Squadron: 64th Aggressors Timezone: 1800z-2200z Aircraft: F-16C, F/A-18C, F-14B Maps: Cauc, PG, Syria TACT 24-1 Rules TACT RULES LINK Only full fidelity modules are allowed. The match format is a 8 vs 8, best of three rounds air superiority mission. The tournament is open for virtual squadrons only. We recognize that not all squads can field 8 pilots (+ reserves) for every match. If a Team expects to be short on match day they are allowed to recruit up to 2 additional temporary pilots to complete the 8 plane roster. These extra pilots will be known as mercenaries. The mercenaries must not be squad members of a participating team. Mercenaries do not need to be included in the signup. To allow smaller teams to join, teams also have the option to combine into composite teams. A composite team may consist of up to two squads. Example: Squad A of 5 pilots combine with squad B of 4 pilots, to form Team X. Together they can put up at least 8 pilots. Bullseye will be centered between the starting airfields. Surrounding bullseye, there will be an engagement bubble, 90-96 nm in diameter (3 nm warning zone). TACT 24-1 will be run without any AWACS. All aircraft must be within the bubble at least 10 min after the first aircraft enters the bubble. Each round consists of one sortie per pilot. If a pilot lands, he/she cannot take off again*. After being shot down or crashing, the player must leave the server until the round ends. Each round is won if one of the two mission criterias is achieved. i) All of the opposing planes are destroyed ii) if a team has total air superiority in the bubble for 5 min. At least 1 aircraft must land after the mission criteria is reached. To promote combat and active engagements, the remaining pilots must land at the opposing team’s airbase. Returning to one’s own airbase is considered a loss of that aircraft. If a pilot disconnects after match start (“go go go” call), they are considered dead and must leave the server for that round. Weapon restrictions: See rules doc: TACT RULES LINK Jester is allowed, changing planes between rounds is allowed No stream sniping Known DCS bugs and exploits must not be used to gain an advantage. Teams should avoid unfriendly or unsportsmanlike behavior. Not every rule can be explicitly stated and teams should fly to the spirit of the competition. TACT RULES LINK *A quick RTB is allowed before combat has started to resolve INS or payload issues. TEAMS Signups are open! Register before Friday, September 13th, 2024 @ 2000z MISSIONS Here: coming soon