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Su-27 and Su-33 Weapon Control Panel


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Am i only one who likes to use Su-27 and Su-33 to bombarding?


I would like to see Weapon Control Panel works as it's in Su-25T.


If you could:

- add possibility to select ripple interval in Su-27 and Su-33;

- make able to see if "cut off burst" switch is ON or OFF in Su-27 and Su33 (in Su-25T this swich moves after use), it's good to see what is chosen (is there any other chance to see what is chosen than shooting?);

- make the indicators of selected weapon in Su-33 works (as it's in Su-27 for example);


I hope it is not too much to ask.


Greetings to the creators of this wonderful world - DCS World...

and of course all virtual pilots!



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I like bombing too.

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