bcradio Posted November 6, 2017 Posted November 6, 2017 (edited) CORDOVIA VS DREAMLAND is a 4 mission mini-campaign that puts you into the cockpit of an F-5E Tiger II with the goal of defending the fictional country of Cordovia against the aggressive actions of its northern neighbour, Dreamland. Loaded with tons of custom voice overs and triggers, this campaign will place you into realistic scenarios that will test your air to air and air to ground skills in the F-5 inside of a fast paced and threat laden environment. DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3007551/ In the twenty years since the Nevada Tsarist Territorial Republic (NTTR) broke up and split into the countries of Dreamland and Cordovia, peace in the region has been an elusive goal. While democracy flourished in the West-leaning Cordovia, the Soviet-leaning Dreamland underwent a transition to a more dictatorial regime under the leadership of Prince Jessie. In 1994, the Dreamland military annexed an area of the Jumbled Hills, including Freedom Ridge and Whitesides Mountain, and justified it by saying they needed a buffer between Dreamland Proper and the population of Cordovia. This lead up to an epic legal battle that ended up all the way to a United Nations Security Council resolution imposing economic sanctions on Dreamland. Despite the sanctions, Dreamland still controls the jumbled hills and Cordovia has all but given up on the idea of ever getting them back. In the last few years, a number of terrorist attacks have occurred in Cordovia against police, military and government targets. There is a large population of ethnic Dreamlanders who still reside in Cordovia, and some of them want the two countries re-united under the current regime of Prince Jessie. Some of them are believed to be behind the attacks, and it’s believed that the government forces of Dreamland are giving them support, both monetary and militarily. In the last six months, the terrorist bombs that have exploded in Cordovia have shown a remarkable increase in complexity, effectiveness and lethality. The designer of these bombs, a man who calls himself “The Chemist”, has been increasingly outspoken, sending letters and photographs of his designs to newspapers all over the world, bragging about his success. The increased attacks, along with growing anti-Cordovian rhetoric from the Dreamland government, has dramatically increased tensions in the area. **** If you have any questions about the campaign, please feel free to contact me via the DCS Forums. I welcome any constructive criticism, but please be nice! I have also worked countless hours on this campaign.... Please do not modify it in any way or redistribute it. Thanks! *** Edited November 7, 2017 by bcradio
bcradio Posted November 6, 2017 Author Posted November 6, 2017 I will upload and post links to the individual missions in the thread below as they become available to download from the User Files section of the DCS website.
bcradio Posted November 6, 2017 Author Posted November 6, 2017 MISSION 1: THE CHEMIST DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/2891333/ Additional Documentation: https://www.dropbox.com/s/buhmy6rdix75epv/Nevada_TTR_Chart.jpg?dl=0 **************************************************************************** NEWSWIRE REPORT Las Vegas, Cordovia The Cordovian Military today announced they have captured members of Dreamland Special Forces during an anti-terror sweep of the northern town of Alamo. The pre-dawn raids were carried out in response to a drastic increase in acts of terrorism against Cordovian police and government officials. The latest attack occurred in the town of Ely, wh ere a powerful explosive device hidden in a duffel bag claimed the lives of 5 Cordovian police officers and 4 civilians. Today the Cordovian president Todd Chavez, while denouncing the wave of terror that has gripped this desert land, accused the Dreamland government in Watertown of aiding and abetting the criminal terrorists: “Ever since the succession, Dreamland has been actively trying to undermine our fragile democracy. They’ve arrested our diplomats. They annexed Freedom Ridge and Whitesides without a care. And now they are murdering our police and military. Today we call on the United Nations to put an end to Dreamlandian terror.” In response, the Dreamland Foreign Secretary Sebastian St. Clair repeated his previous claims that no Dreamlandian military personnel were operating on Cordovian territory, and that ethnic Dreamlanders living in Cordovia are at risk. “While the ethnic Dreamlander population inside Cordovia is continually under threat, it’s not unreasonable that our citizens might take it upon themselves to volunteer to help. It’s in our nature to help fellow Dreamlanders, wherever in the world they are.” Meanwhile, Cordovian investigators are pouring over the scene in Ely, hoping to find clues to help them stem the tide of violence that has washed over the area. Forensics investigators could be seen removing items from the site today, and the work is expected to carry on during the night. The bomb that exploded in Ely bears a resemblance to other devices developed by the infamous “Chemist”, a former Dreamland scientist rumoured to be working once again with Dreamland Special Forces. The Chemist’s bomb making has been characterized as exceptionally well made, easily concealed and extremely effective. This has put the Chemist at the number one spot on Interpol’s International Most Wanted List. **************************************************************************** PLAN STEP TO JET 05:30 TAKEOFF 05:35 Waypoint 1 Dogbone Lake 020/20 off the CREECH TACAN (87x) Waypoint 2 HWY 375/Tikaboo 350 Heading from Dogbone for 35 miles Waypoint 3 Rachel/Target Target marked by Smoke Waypoint 4 Egress/HWY375 Waypoint 5 Dogbone Lake 020/20 off the CREECH TACAN (87x) Waypoint 6 Creech AFB CREECH TACAN (87X) THREATS The target house and area may be defended by machine guns and / or MANPADS. Use flares when operating over/near the target. Dreamland Defense Forces are on a high state of readiness. Do not cross over into Dreamland airspace! Dreamland Air Defenses include an SA-10 site at Waterdown Airbase (Groom Lake), along with multiple AAA sites situated around the border areas. Dreamland EWR sites located West of Watertown can provide GCI services to both MiGs and SAMs – be aware. Dreamland MiG-23 and MiG-21 aircraft are sitting alert at Watertown and are believed to be manned at ALERT 5 readiness. These carry both radar and IR air to air missles. **************************************************************************** NOTES It is critical NOT TO ENTER DREAMLAND AIRSPACE! Tensions are high, and the last thing we need is a military confrontation. That being said, we will not tolerate any incursion of any Dreamland military inside Cordovian territory. On departure you will contact WIZARD, our military radar controller. They will provide updates to you until you reach the target area. Contact our ground forces commander BLONDEGIRL when prompted by WIZARD. Follow BLONDEGIRL’s instructions. Stay safe, and return to base as soon as you complete your mission. If you do engage the target house in Rachel, it is advised to exit the area at low level by following Highway 375 south east until you get to the base of Tikaboo Mountain, then south to Dogbone Lake from there. Watch out for any Dreamland military response. ******IMPORTANT MISSION INFORMATION******* This is a highly scripted mission, which requires you to do certain things to make it work. These include: 1. Using the Radio Menu / F10 option to request taxi, along with other things when prompted during the mission. Failure to do so will break the mission completely. 2. You do not need to manually tune/change radio frequencies during the mission. This is scripted for you, and happens automatically. Do turn your radio on and tuned to 228.9 MhZ in order to hear calls from your flights and/or Wizard. 3. FOLLOW YOUR FLIGHT PLAN! Certain mission parameters rely on your being in certain areas at certain times. From Creech fly to Dogbone Lake, then heading 350 until you get to HWY 375. Follow that northwest to Rachel (you should see the smoke). 4. If you have your wingman engage the target, you will find that they immediately RTB. Stop this from happening by telling them to rejoin via the radio menu after / if they bomb the target. I don’t know why this happens, but you’ll have to manually call them to rejoin yourself. 5. If you'd like a higher resolution download of the mission map, click here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/buhmy6rdix75epv/Nevada_TTR_Chart.jpg?dl=0 **************************************************************************** If you enjoy the mission, please let me know! I've spent literally countless hours working on it, and would appreciate any feedback. If it's negative feedback, please be nice! Leave a comment in the forums or message me directly.
bcradio Posted November 7, 2017 Author Posted November 7, 2017 MISSION 2: ALERT 5 MISSION 2: ALERT 5 DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3008564/index.php This morning's engagement with...... Dreamland MiG-21s over sovereign Cordovian airspace has put our two countries in a state of war. We have been flying Combat Air Patrols since the dogfight over the Tikaboo Valley, and the Dreamland Defence Forces have been doing the same. So far there have been no border violations by either side, although on two occasions Dreamland Defence forces have locked their radars onto our CAPs. The Cordovian Air Force's task is to maintain Combat Air Patrols to keep any Dreamland forces out, while our politicians attempt to defuse this volatile situation. You are the lead of Dodge 71 flight, who will sit on the ground on Alert 5 status until 15:30. At 15:30 you will launch and proceed to maintain CAP point Charlie, which is 340 for 22 miles off the Creech TACAN. Get into the airplane, connect your ground power and air supply and turn on your radios and check in with WIZARD on 274.4 to get an update on the situation. ***If you enjoy the mission, please let me know! I've spent literally countless hours working on it, and would appreciate any feedback. If it's negative feedback, please be nice! Leave a comment in the forums or message me directly.***
bcradio Posted November 7, 2017 Author Posted November 7, 2017 MISSION 3: TO CATCH A FISHBED DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3008568/index.php Early this afternoon, Cordovian Intelligence was... ...contacted by a Dreamland MiG-21 pilot who stated he wishes to defect to our side. This pilot is scheduled to fly a combat air patrol this afternoon, and is plannng on dashing across the border at 1810. We are going to launch 3 flights of F-5s to escort this defecting pilot to a safe landing at Creech. ROE is weapons tight, unless hostile Dreamland aircraft cross the border. Be aware, Dreamland CAP aircraft consisting of Fishbeds and / or Floggers may be encounted. The Dreamland SA-10 site at Watertown is still active as well. You are the lead pilot of Ford 9 flight of two Tigers on the ground at Creech. Launch right away and proceed to CAP point ALPHA (331 for 25 off the Creech TACAN). Contat WIZARD on departure (272.1 / BTN 10) for further clearance and instructions. **** IMPORTANT INFORMATION **** In order for this mission to work as written, you MUST do the following things: 1. YOU MUST CONTACT GROUND CONTROL VIA THE RADIO MENU F10 OPTION PRIOR TO TAXI. 2. YOU TURN TO HEADING 350 RIGHT AFTER DEPARTURE AND CONTACT WIZARD VIA THE RADIO MENU F10 OPTION WHEN PROPMTED. If you enjoy the mission, please let me know! I've spent literally countless hours working on it, and would appreciate any feedback. If it's negative feedback, please be nice! Leave a comment in the forums or message me directly.
bcradio Posted November 7, 2017 Author Posted November 7, 2017 MISSION 4: BY DAWN'S EARLY LIGHT DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3008578/index.php Intelligence obtained from.... ....yesterday’s defector indicates that Dreamland not only possesses three air delivered atomic weapons, but actually intends to use them against Cordovian targets in a raid this morning. It is imperative that we destroy the Cordovian nuclear capability prior to them using it against us. The weapons are currently stored in a hardened ammunition bunker at the Pahute Mesa airfield. Specially equipped MiG-21s are scheduled to land there at 06:00 and re-arm with these three warheads. Our plan is to take out this hangar at first light. OPERATION BACKGROUND We will launch a strike against the Pahute Mesa Airfield ammunition bunker at 04:30 this morning with two flights of two F-5Es. They will ingress to the target at low level from two separate directions, hopefully taking the enemy by surprise. As the target is heavily defended, it is critical that all elements of the strike hit their timing points and nail their airspeeds in order to arrive over the target area at the same time. A delay in time over target or mis-step of any kind may result in disaster. The strike packages will fly “ZIP LIP”, meaning no contact with air traffic control and no contact with WIZARD. Low level operations are imperative as well, so stay below 7000 enroute to Marshal, and fly nap of the earth at push time. Hopefully these tactics will enable us to sneak west and attack the bunker without being detected. A separate flight of 4 F-5Es will launch a diversionary probe of R4808 airspace from the east, hopefully drawing the attention and fire of the Dreamland Defense forces away from Pahute Mesa. This flight will launch prior to the strikers, and use radio and radars for maximum visibility. The Cordovian Army also has launched a pair of scout helicopters, callsign Springfield to destroy the SA-6 radar on the airfield just prior to our strike. FLIGHTPLAN DODGE 11 ENGINE START: 04:30 TAXI TIME: 04:34 TAKEOFF TIME: 04:35 PUSH (BEATTY AIRFIELD): 04:50 SEE FLIGHT PLAN PAGE AT: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6uebt7cn2kxznsc/BY%20DAWN%27S%20EARLY%20LIGHT%20PDF.pdf?dl=0 WAYPOINT 1 BEATTY AIRPORT PUSH TIME 04:50 WAYPOINT 2 BEATTY AIRPORT TO FACTORY SPEED: 450 KIAS HEADING: 005 DISTANCE: 10 TIME: 1 min 30 WAYPOINT 3 FACTORY TO RIDGE SPEED: 450 KIAS HEADING: 045 DISTANCE: 8 TIME: 1 min 15 WAYPOINT 4 RIDGE TO POINTY PEAK SPEED: 450 KIAS HEADING: 070 DISTANCE: 7 TIME: 1 min WAYPOINT 5 POINTY PEAK TO TARGET SPEED: 450 KIAS HEADING: 070 DISTANCE: 3 **** POP UP ATTACK **** WAYPOINT 6 TARGET TO CREECH AFB SPEED: 450 KIAS HEADING: 120 DISTANCE: 41 TIME: 6 min (heading 120 then direct Creech TACAN when able) MISSION FREQUENCY 272.1 MISSION CODE WORDS: LONELY OWL = TIME IS 04:50 STRIKER PUSH TIME FUNNY BADGER = ABORT MISSION FRONTPAGE HEADLINE = TARGET DESTROYED EDITORIAL PAGE= TARGET MISSED IT’S CRITICAL YOU FLY THE CORRECT HEADINGS, SPEEDS AND TIMES IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE MAXIMUM CHANCE OF SUCCESS!
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