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[DCS-BIOS] Problem with home made keypad


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I made a custom keypad for the radio of the GAZELLE. The "-" are connected to each other then to the card.




my problem is that when I press, I have a repeat send key.


is this a problem with my welds??

should I add a resistor? If yes where and what kind?


Tanks for your help and sorry for my english.

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Thanks for your help Hansolo :thumbup:


Here is my code


definePushButton("UHF_1", 31, 3006, 388, "UHF RADIO", "UHF 1") -- OK
definePushButton("UHF_2", 31, 3007, 389, "UHF RADIO", "UHF 2") -- OK
definePushButton("UHF_3", 31, 3008, 390, "UHF RADIO", "UHF 3") -- OK
definePushButton("UHF_4", 31, 3009, 391, "UHF RADIO", "UHF 4") -- OK
definePushButton("UHF_5", 31, 3010, 392, "UHF RADIO", "UHF 5") -- OK
definePushButton("UHF_6", 31, 3011, 393, "UHF RADIO", "UHF 6") -- OK
definePushButton("UHF_7", 31, 3012, 394, "UHF RADIO", "UHF 7") -- OK
definePushButton("UHF_8", 31, 3013, 395, "UHF RADIO", "UHF 8") -- OK
definePushButton("UHF_9", 31, 3014, 396, "UHF RADIO", "UHF 9") -- OK
definePushButton("UHF_0", 31, 3015, 397, "UHF RADIO", "UHF 0") -- OK

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