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Very occasional stutters in VR


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Hi guys,



I've been battling for months (like many of us) to try and get VR playable and now have it in a pretty good way. I get solid 45fps on mainly high settings on Oculus Rift mk.1.



However, after a while of flying at seemingly random intervals I get lengthy stutters. Sometimes i'll move my head and get a black image in front of me, and I also often get a spinning hourglass.



These pauses are sometimes several minutes apart and often last very little time - but I am getting really good performance the rest of the time and am very confused!



I recently upgraded to an SSD which helped enormously, and although my CPU is not great, my general performance is good - so has anybody got any ideas of what might be causing these sporadic stutters?!








i5-6400, GTX1080, 32GB Ram

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