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3Drudder an alternative to traditional rudder pedals

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I would like to share my impressions of the first day with 3drudder.

I only play VR / hotas warthog and I was thinking about rudder pedals. I occasionally bought 3drudder and after the first day I can recommend it. No mechanical parts will probably translate into durability. It is not as comfortable as pedals but it can be used not only in simulators. XYZ axes work exactly enough for me, only the up / down axis seems strange because it works on pressure sensors but it is not used in DCS and this is not a problem. If you want to, you can forget about the joystick but it is obviously a bit of a crazy idea;) If you have an inoperative hand, it is certainly a good idea to consider. Unfortunately, except DCS does not solve the problem of motion sickness by replacing teleport in walking games. ;) Configuration is not very intuitive but I think DCS users are a group of people with more than average skills. If anyone asks, it's not an advertisement;) I'm just a satisfied user.


He can emulate a joystick, keyboard, mouse and somehow works with SteamVR;)



Have a nice day and forgive my poor English;)

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