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Capture Text in Markpoint for future use?


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Context: I've used the concepts from the weathermark script (Thanks!) to do the same thing to output coordinates. I've left some empty lines at the top of the newly created markpoint so the user can label it if they want. Ie. Infantry, target 1, hilltop position...etc.


Is it possible to capture what is written on the initial markpoint creation to then insert into the newly created point? Keyword for the process is COORDINATE. So if someone wanted to get the coordinates and also label it in one go they could type something like "COORDINATE, target 1". That would create the markpoint and also insert into the first line "target 1".


Is that possible?


-------------- mark point coords --------------


--Coordinate_Keyphrase = 'C'

Coordinate_ID = 500 --initial 

CoordMarkVec3 = {}

coordMarkHandler = {}

function coordMarkHandler:onEvent(Event)

if Event == nil or Event.idx == nil then  --ignore event if not mark
   return true

-- Call event function when a marker has changed, i.e. text was entered or changed.
 if Event.id==world.event.S_EVENT_MARK_CHANGE then

function coordMarkChange(Event)

if Event.id==world.event.S_EVENT_MARK_CHANGE then
	if Event.text ~= nil and ( Event.text:upper():find('C') or Event.text:upper():find('COORD') or Event.text:upper():find('COORDINATE') or Event.text:upper():find('COORDINATES') ) then
	CoordMarkVec3 = Event.pos --vec3
	CoordMarkVec3Lat, CoordMarkVec3Lon = coord.LOtoLL(CoordMarkVec3)
	CoordMarkVec3MGRS = coord.LLtoMGRS( CoordMarkVec3Lat, CoordMarkVec3Lon )
	Coordinate_ID = Coordinate_ID + 1
	trigger.action.markToCoalition(Coordinate_ID, '\n\nDMS:  '..mist.tostringLL(CoordMarkVec3Lat, CoordMarkVec3Lon, 2, 's')..'\nDDM:  '..mist.tostringLL(CoordMarkVec3Lat, CoordMarkVec3Lon, 4)..'\nMGRS:  '.. mist.tostringMGRS(CoordMarkVec3MGRS, 5), CoordMarkVec3, Event.coalition , false, 'Coordinates Added')
	elseif Event.text ~= nil and ( Event.text:upper():find('HELP') or Event.text:lower():find('help') ) then
	--[[_cUnit = Event.initiator  --not working MP
	_cGroup = _cUnit:getGroup()
	_cGroupID = _cGroup:getID()]]

	--trigger.action.outTextForGroup( _cGroupID, '-- CASE SENSITIVE-- \nCoordinate Mark:\n"C"\n"COORD"\n"COORDINATE"\n"COORDINATES"\n\nWeatherMark:  \n"weather report" \n"weather report, metric" \n"weather report, imperial" \n"weather report, alt 1000, imperial" \n-- @ 1000 ft ASL in this example.', 20 ) --not working in MP?
	trigger.action.outTextForCoalition( 2, '-- CASE SENSITIVE-- \nCoordinate Mark:\n"C"\n"COORD"\n"COORDINATE"\n"COORDINATES"\n\nWeatherMark:  \n"weather report" \n"weather report, metric" \n"weather report, imperial" \n"weather report, alt 1000, imperial" \n-- @ 1000 ft ASL in this example.', 20 )

env.info("Coordinate Mark 1.0 Loaded!")

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