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Reverb cable connector at 1100 hours use


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It's well known that the G1 Reverb has a "silly" cabling design choice, that puts strain on the connectors, of which there are 3 points of contact - the GPU, the Headset and a joint between. What happened to me was over a few days, maybe a week. First, little black screen "blinks". This often happens when moving or touching the cable. In retrospect I was reproducing this way before now, any kind of pressure on the cabling could get the HMD to switch off as if unpowered. Note this is not the same as the USB powering issue which is a seperate and equally annoying thing for which you need to ensure your USB is set to a powered hub and you have a power plan that does not shut down USB.

The black blinking got worse over a day before messing with the connector, fiddling and such finally rendered it unuseable.

The way to tell if a black flicker is the cable connector going is the way in which it goes black. This black is an unpowered black. You can have a "Powered blackness" which is a lot lighter, under different circumstances. You can also have a blue screen.

The screen image came after reconnecting by manipulating the cable from off to on by fiddling. Just static.

Just FYI in case someone was searching for symptoms and they didnt know what they were.




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