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Runway bombing for AI Su-25


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How do I let the AI Su-25 bomb the runway?


Currently I have 4 Su-25 with a Runway Attack task, they are loaded with FAB-500 and at a waypoint I added a Bombing Runway task with the triangle on the runway. When they come close they turn away and fly away. But when I add a RoE option at an earlier WP and set it to Only Designated they will attack nearby tanks buildings and aircraft but not the runway.


I have RTB on Bingo Fuel = off so they are not turning away due to fuel. Is it maybe the bombs? Do I need to use a special bomb for runways? I have Reaction to thread=Evade Fire

I have managed to make A-10A bomb the runway at Krymsk but the Su-25 don’t want to bomb the runway at Novorossiysk. 

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