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What Sets Us Apart - Training


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Unique to DCAF, we offer our Briefing And Training System(BATS). DCAF members will have a registered account, in which they can access our courses, independently study, be assessed, and track their progress. Additionally, users can view the overall roster of DCAF and view briefing documents for the upcoming weekly operations.



As an insight, you can see what training for the pilot looks like(an additional post showing the training scope for controllers will be completed shortly):

Having been enrolled to their airframe and registered on BATS, the user will have to complete V1. V1 is the training and assessment course needed to attend our weekly operations as a wingman. Although pilots joining will commit to their aircraft of choice for the duration of their training, DCAF’s training syllabus and SOPs are universalised as much as possible, being based on the principle of airmanship. V1 students will go through the V1 Learning Plan, as shown below:


Each section contains lessons, which students are expected to read prior to assessment. Lessons include custom documentation, information and literature about the relevant subject. Once read, the student can contact an instructor of their airframe at any time for clarification, practice, or guidance. Once ready, students can sign up to be assessed in the activity. Instructors are more than happy to help energetic students who want to do more, and students should never feel guilty about chasing up someone to get an instructor slot!

Below is a breakdown of each training objective within V1:

Flight Familiarisation

Flight familiarisation is often what other groups would define as a check-ride in demonstrating basic understanding. For us, we verify familiarity with the cockpit layout, startup, taxi, takeoff, straight and level flight, turns, climbs and descents, climbing and descending turns, steep turns, maintaining AOA in the landing configuration, low speed flight, stall recovery, spin recovery, descent and landing. This also tends to involve basic navigational competency.

Visual Circuits

Touch and go, touch and go, touch and go. Students will practise the military visual circuit, and the comms necessary to communicate intentions from startup to shutdown.

Departures & Arrivals

Building on the former, this reinforces understanding, and includes the procedure to leave the Military Aerodrome Traffic Zone, and how to appropriately rejoin it.

Formation & AAR

Arguably the most difficult part in core piloting skill. Cadets will be instructed and assisted in formation flying with appropriate references to their aircraft, and orderly departures and arrivals. Next, day and night air to air refuelling are on the agenda(!).


Preview of one of the AAR graphics.

Combat Operations

This part starts to become more specific to the airframe. Instructors will teach you the individual weapon systems involved and how to effectively employ them. On completion, you will conduct your combat readiness assessment, to ensure that you meet the requirements as a wingman to take part in ops.

Once complete, you have passed V1 and can take part in Thursday operations!

After V1:

From there, you have additional courses you can take, such as:

-       V2 – flight lead qualification

-       V3 – Instructor Pilot Qualification

-       V3* - Squadron Lead Assimilation

-       CLO – Counter Land Operations

-       AWI/BVR – All Weather Intercepts/Beyond Visual Range

-       BFM – Basic Fighter Manoeuvres

-       ACM – Air Combat Manoeuvring

-       CQ – Carrier Qualification

-       VSTOL

Airframe Specific Training:

Though the bulk of our training is universalised, there are numerous chapters available for your airframe of choice. These include ground school, SOPs, emergencies, and weapons employment. These are go to guides and instructional points to better adapt DCAF flows with the aircraft of your choice.



A preview of some of the lessons one would find in airframe specific(F-14 Pilot Familiarisation)



At the end of the day, the people we’re looking for are those who are keen to learn, and progress. It doesn’t matter where you are starting from, or how new you are to the sim. We have all the time in the world for members who want to actively improve themselves, and take advantage of everything we have to offer. If you’re someone who wants to learn, develop and build on skills to employ the aircraft at the most it has to offer, then our training syllabus and instructors are well positioned to get you there. For us we do this not only because we want more pilots in our ops, but because we take great enjoyment in teaching people.

Training commitments are flexible, but you would be best served trying to keep a regular pace of training so you don’t fall back on the training you’ve already achieved.


Regular Ops are conducted every Thursday 1830 GMT/BST
Training: Sunday 1530GMT/BST and Wednesday 1830GMT/BST, and by appointment

We employ the F-14, F-16, F/A-18, AV-8B, and are open to more controllers.


If you’re interested and want to find out more, don’t hesitate to visit our website, and message us on our Discord:



Want to apply?: https://forms.gle/fhxwzxAJVBjYfU779

After application, if we have capacity to take you on, we will provide you with an introductory presentation where you can learn more about what we do, and ensure that this is the right place for you. We want to make sure that everyone gets the best out of their hobby, and the introduction is part of establishing that.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Peter ‘Parker’ Anson

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