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HELP!! Fly Elise, Immersive Calibration Pro, Immersive Display Pro, is NOT working properly

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Can anyone please help? 

Last year after watching the Warthog Project on YouTube, I decided to build a similar setup; 270 degree curved screen measuring 1.23 meters by 6.54 meters, using three BenQ projectors. I downloaded the software from Fly Elise and followed step by step from the setup video done by the warthog project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLd-00W2HEg. However, I've ran into many issues. I've tried multiple times to contact the guy from the Warthog Project for some help but he has not responded to any. Multiple times I've contacted the Fly Elise so called support team provided them with details of the problems I'm having along with screen shots but all they do in response is repeat the same set of instructions, ("For DCS you must use grouped displays (2D surround enabled).Just finish the auto-align amber in Calibration PRO and make sure that the perspective tunnel scene is perfectly aligned in Calibration PRO. Then Export the multi-pocalib files as well as the DCS lua file. Copy the lua file in the corresponding DCS folder. Load the large multi.procalib file in Immersive Display PRO and disable the desktop warping. Now start DCS in full screen mode and select a flight. When the flight starts , the views will be perfectly aligned and geometrically correct.")

I'm now beginning to wonder if an actual person is responding to my support emails or an AI bot, but definately someone who does not know their own product well enough to provide actual support that is at all in any way helpful. They're instruction don't even really match up with how the guy from the Warthog Project did it. They insist that desktop warping should be disabled for DCS. Anyhow, I've been working for several week trying to get it to work and am about to pull out my teeth in frustration.
So, I marked my screen at 10 cm intervals and used a laser level to adjust the points in Calibration Pro. Everything is aligned, warped and blended perfectly as shown in the photos. I exported the .lua file to the saved games\DCS.openbeta\Config\monitor setup. I then ran Immersive Display Pro, used the multicalib file. per the instruction from Fly Elise. However when I run DCS the view is not geometrically correct, The horizon slopes down on the left and right in a kind of fish eye effect and the size of the cockpit canopy is far too large.  So I again contact Fly Elise and asked them for instructions on how to make adjustments to correct this problem and they're response is again repeating the same set of instructions.  I'm baffled that they charge 450 euro for a product but then have such terrible support when they're product does not work as advertised.
tell me how to make adjustments to correct this? 
Can anyone please tell me how to adjust things to correct this?  See attached photos and video.









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