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Is it possible to set unit's fuel quantity and weapons loadout via lua?

Go to solution Solved by cfrag,

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I'm building a sort of persistent sandbox connecting Syria and Sinai maps, where units and values are shared. Building up and modifying Dzsek's awesome script (https://github.com/Dzsek/TimePersistence) I can now start my mission in Syria, play 45min and then switch over to Sinai mission and start at the same time I ended Syria's playthrough and with the same weather preset. I can manually start on the air roughly on the same location having several clients located on different "sectors"

Now I would like to be able to start with the same fuel quantity and loadout I had in the previous mission. I've been looking but I don't really know even how to look 😛 There is a getFuel() method but I don't find any sort of "setFuel()", I do see there is a moose "UNIT:SetOption(OptionID, OptionValue)" method that sounds promissing, but I cannot find documentation about what OptionID values do we have

Any idea or any pointers in some direction?

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