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Aerial Combat League 2025 Season

The Ghost Unit presents the inaugural season of the Aerial Combat League, or ACL for short. The ACL is a 4 versus 4 BVR Match taking place across the Persian Gulf, Syria, and Caucasus. Stay tuned for more updates, as there will be changes, albeit sometimes small.



The sign-up deadline is April 1st, 2025. You will register here in the DCS forum and adhere to the following format (please).


Ghost Unit

F-16C, F-18C

Pilot Roster: Fonzy, Casper, Kicker, Sleepy, Locksmith, Khaos, Burner, Fixer, More TBD

Timezone - UTC -5

More pilots are TBD.



  • 4 versus 4 - BVR (reserve pilots are allowed)

  • Mercenaries will be available

  • Available Airframes - F-14, F-15C/E, F-16, F-18, JF-17, M2000, Mirage F1, MIG-29, Su-27, Su-33, J-11(SD-10)

  • Pilots will spawn in an AIR HOT STARTED JET at 30k’ AGL and MACH 1.2

Zone Structure

  • Rectangular Zone 70 nm Wide x 50 nm High

  • Airframes will spawn ~35nm from the zone

At match start, when a zone is controlled, that means that at least 1 pilot from a team has entered the zone. This will start a 5-minute timer for the other team to get at least 1 pilot into the zone and contest it. Failure to do so will result in a round being forfeited. If a zone is controlled after being contested, it signals for the winning team to RTB (LAND AT ANY AIRFIELD) to claim the point for that round.


AWACS is NOT available in any capacity.

Match Structure

  • Matches in the ACL are best of 3

  • Matches in the ACLCC are best of 3 except for the final match, which is best of 5


Airframes will have PRESET loadouts. Loadouts for each available airframe are listed below.

F-14B - 2x AIM-9M, 4x AIM-54C MK.60, 2x Fuel Tank (300 GAL EACH), 2 AIM-7P

F-15C - 2x AIM-9M, 4x AIM-120C, 2x AIM-7MH, 3x Fuel Tanks (610 GAL EACH)

F-15E - 2x AIM-9M, 4x AIM-120C, 2x AIM-7MH, 3x Fuel Tanks (610 GAL EACH)

F-16C - 2x AIM-9M, 4x AIM-120C, 2x Fuel Tanks(610 GAL EACH)

F-18C - 2x AIM-9M, 4x AIM-120C, 2x AIM-7P, 1x Fuel Tank(330 GAL EACH)

J-11A - 2x R-73, 4x SD-10, 2x R-27ET

JF-17 - 2x PL-5, 4x SD-10, 1x Fuel Tanks (800L EACH)

M-2000C - 2x Matra Magic II, 2x Matra Super 530D, 1x Fuel Tank(1300L EACH), Eclair M-6/0
Mirage F1EE - 2x AIM-9P, 2x S530F, 1x Fuel Tank

MIG-29S - 2x R-73, 4x R-77, 1x Fuel Tank(1400L)

SU-27 - 2x R-73, 2x R-27ET,4x R-27ER w/100% fuel

SU-33 - 2x R-73, 2x R-27ET, 6x R-27ER w/ 100% fuel


There are 5 maps in total. 1x Caucasus, 2x Syria, and 2x Persian Gulf. Each map has varying times of day and weather. These maps will be released to the competing teams 2 weeks before the first match in league play.

Team size

Teams ARE allowed to have multiple groups from their squadron competing in the league. Ex. Ghost Unit A and Ghost Unit B/ Ghost Unit and Banshee Unit

Map Voting

Only 3 maps can be played in each match, and each team will have the option to “ban” a map before the map rotation is chosen. A coin flip will decide which team chooses what map to ban first. After the “ban phase,” another coin flip will commence before each round. The winner of the coin flip can choose either what map to play or what side they would like to start on, not both.

Number of Leagues

There will be 3 leagues initially as part of ACL. Each league will have a maximum of 16 teams. League names are listed below.

  1. ACE - Top Tier

  2. SENIOR- Middle Tier

  3. JUNIOR - Low Tier

  • Initial Slotting

For the initial volley of teams that want to participate, ALL teams will be moved into the ACE League. If there are MORE than 16 teams, then the ACE League will be rostered with the number of teams that sign up. Initial Relegation below…

  • League Promotion and Relegation

INITIAL RELEGATION - Initially, all teams will start in the ACE league (for the first season), whether it be 17 or 32. Relegation will take the bottom teams (After 16) and move them to the SENIOR League. For example, Teams 17,18,19, and 20 will be moved to the SENIOR tier to even out the ACE League at 16 teams.


Teams will be promoted and relegated to different leagues based on their ranking in their respective leagues. The bottom 4 and top 4 teams from each league (Excluding the ACE League Top 4) will be moved up or down based on their leagues. 

FOX-3 Managed Solutions, TACVIEW

Official Rulebook

Teams are highly advised to join the Ghost Unit Discord for the official rulebook and general knowledge of any of the proceedings. If any questions arise, please join the Discord and ask your questions in the “ACL Help” channel or message @ACLSUPPORT.



GHOST UNIT DISCORD - https://discord.gg/MPejk4qeya

GHOST UNIT YOUTUBE - (1) Ghost Unit - YouTube





Edited by RetroStar
F-14 Loadout Update
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Posted (edited)

Ghost Unit

F-16C, F-18C

Pilot Roster: Fonzy, Casper, Kicker, Sleepy, Locksmith, Khaos, Burner, Fixer, More TBD

Timezone - UTC -5


Edited by RetroStar
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  • RetroStar changed the title to ACL | AERIAL CHAMPIONS LEAGUE | 2025 Season
Posted (edited)

Eclipse Task-Force

F-16C, F-18C, JF-17, F-14, F-15E, J-11, Mig29

Pilot Roster: E-TF[101] Breeze | E-TF[102] Riker | E-TF[103] n8d0g | E-TF[106] Dizzy | E-TF[803] Vetis.EC 

Timezone: 1800 Zulu - 

Edited by E-TF[101] Breeze
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

364th Aggressors: Fully Torqued

F-16C, F-18C, JF-17, F15(s), F-14, FC3

Pilot Roster: [FTQ] Revenge, [FTQ] Vehicle, [FTQ] Evil, [FTQ] Wonder

Timezone - International squadron. Best time is 1900-2000z start Sundays

More pilots are TBD.

Edited by TheOneNOnlyTopGun
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Writing for 501st…

Squadron Name: 501st
Aircraft Selection: F-14, F-15C/E, F-16, F-18, JF-17, MIG-29,, J-11
Pilot Roster: Stingray, Johny B R A V O, Sparky, Altunuz, Togg, Boomerang, Clueless, Skidmark, Tankz +TBD
TimeZone: UTC+8 most but we are international

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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F-16C, F-18C

Pilot Roster: Псих, Сонар, Shatunez, SFSR, Sonse,Esol, Crim.

Timezone - UTC +3

More pilots are TBD.

  • Like 1

Eclipse Task-Force Gemini 

F-16C, F-18C, JF-17, F-14, F-15E, J-11, Mig29

Pilot Roster: E-TF[104] Aspen | E-TF[105] EletroBull | E-TF[111] Ankou | E-TF[810] Thermos

Timezone: 1800 Zulu - 

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)


TFS 81

F-16C, F/A-18C, F-14B

81 | Banana, 81 | Beast, 81 | Muppet, 81 | Nakhoda, 81 | Rage, 81 | Ram, 81 | Savage


Edited by 81banana
Posted (edited)

9g Red
Red airframes MIG-29, Su-27, Su-33, J-11

9g | Surt
9g | Alterman
9g | HanSlau
9g | Stalker
9g | WormWood
9g | Agressor

9g Blue

Blue airframes F-16C, F-18C

9g | Valique
9g | YarKaz
9g | Paniker
9g | AWD
9g | GreyGoo
9g | Devva
9g | mihapronin


Timezone UTC +3

Edited by mihapronin
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Posted (edited)

76th FastStorm

F-15C/E, F-16, F-18, Su-33, J-11(SD-10)

Pilot Roster: 

[76th FS] Dolphin

[76th FS] JAM

[76th FS] Overload Dog

[76th FS] Maverick

[76th FS] BunnyCat

[76th FS] 橙猫猫

Timezone - UTC+8

More pilots are TBD.

Edited by dolphin0224


Posted (edited)

Foxhounds Competitive

F-16C, F/A-18, JF-17


Nemisis (RUS) Squadron Leader
Laslow (FIN) Squadron Leader
Onnerby (SWE) Squadron Leader
Berwick (UK)
Crawfish (USA)
Domkm (Greater Empire of Kiwiland)
Greco (Hellenic Empire)
Joker (PRC)
Nomna (USA)
Pastian (UK)
Alucard (USA)
Southern (USA)
Nowhere but Up!

Edited by Foxhounds
Posted (edited)

51st PVO/100th KIAP Regiment


[51☭] Teknetinium
[100☭] BlackPixxel
[51☭] Stinger
[51☭] Troutbum2
[51☭] JP

[100☭] Spade
[51☭] MadDog (P)
[51☭] BSpars (P)
More pilots TBD.

Timezone: UTC. Best match start time is 1800Z



Edited by SpadeZ


[100☭] Spade #69 - 51st PVO/100th KIAP Regiment


Mumblerines [M]
All aircrafts
Beefxd, Njoy, Archer, Zachrix, Scout Urubu, Gaz, Oggy, Stackhouse, Leeadama, Mauuuz
Best playtimes weekends between 1800-2100 UTC

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