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I have used two screens in DCS as far back as beta. I cannot for the life of me get two screens to work in 1.2.1 at a playable level.


I put the resolution at 3840x1080, second screen is used only for two mfcds. I have tried with out HELIOS, same issue. I get 60 solid FPS with one screen, either fullscreen or windowed. Need help here please.


Here is my .lua file:


_ = function(p) return p; end;

name = _('Nick');

Description = 'modified for Helios'

Viewports =


Center =


x = 0;

y = 0;

width = 1920;

height = 1080;

viewDx = 0;

viewDy = 0;

aspect = 1.777777777777778





x = 1980;

y = 62;

width = 375;

height = 375;




x = 3400;

y = 62;

width = 375;

height = 375;



UIMainView = Viewports.Center

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