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2.sandbags 15* angle

3.sandbags corner

4.sandbags with 50Cal (For USA)

5.sandbags with PK (for Russia)

6.barbed wire

7.military fence with barbed wire

7.military camp gate. open/close bar when a same coalition vehicle is very close

8.danger sign (for mines)

9.soldier with m16 (for USA)

10.soldier with m4 equipment (for USA)

11.soldier with javelin (for USA)

12.soldier with M72 LAW (for USA)

13.soldier with FN SCAR (for USA)

14.spec ops units

15.Supplies drop as static object

16.oil/fuel barrels as static objects

17.single heliport

18.ammo crates/ supplies crates as static objects

19.can choose camos for ground units

20.units gets more cover behind crates, sandbags .

21.military parking area for vehicles


22.army camp tents

23.weapons like rpg's or law's touched on sandbags as static objects

24.nuclear missile as static object

25.soldiers can be dropped with parachute from c-130/IL-76-78

26.soldiers can move on crouch

27.heli's when speed choosen as 0, are staying above point

28.chinook opens back door when lands (is better as trigger)

29.chinook can transport infantry. onboard/aboard



new trigger


cluster eXplosioN

nuclear explosion



1.bomb in zone: when i'm selecting ''bomb type'' for example MK-82 and saving or doin' something else in editor, if i select again this trigger again bomb type box is empty like i never change it.

2. unit that is placed on a building, when it's dead is goin'g inside building


that's all!



and please, please do something about cluster bombs and mlrs's fps when fired are awful, do something about the world's fps




my thanks!!!




my english :( sorry

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