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Posts posted by Booger

  1. The RVRS is my best friend. Always showing up when I don't need assistance, but nonetheless always let's me know the presence is near.


    Ironically enough, my best friend always shows up when I'm shouting the beginning of a sentence, usually starting with: "FFFFFUUUUUUUU....."

  2. 1) Even when trimmed, the helicopter will still need adjustements to keep on course - thats fine right?


    Yeah, albeit small ones if you've trimmed the aircraft well in that particular heading. I usually trim at least twice during heading changes. One to get "roughly close", then another to get right on course. Others may get it the very first time.


    2) How do can you tell the position of the cyclic (thats the joystick right?) when trimmed, in relation to its original position, without using the CTRL-ENTER method - in other words, how would pilots do that?




    The trim in the actual KA-50 will keep the cyclic in the trimmed position...the cyclic won't recenter like how it does in the sim.


    I think it keeps it's position realistically in FFB HOTAS? I think I read that somewhere, but could be wrong.

  3. Sorry guys but this video is faked. The plane he is flying has a single vert stab. and the canapy does not have the correct skeleton.


    If you look over his shoulders, you can clearly make out the tops of the twin vertical stabilizers and, on occasion, a glimpse of an engine.


    The "line" you see above his head isn't a vertical stabilizer, that's either part of the canopy or the seat (you can see his shadow cross over it during turning).

  4. I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to dedicated server administrating, so I'm shopping around a bit to see what different hosting plans have to offer.


    To avoid hosting spamming, I've cropped the image to ensure no hosting info/prices are visible.


    Anyway, attached is what this one particular hosting company is offering. Now, for my list of questions/statements...


    1. Do those options seem "doable" for you more seasoned folks?


    2. I know there's the "servman" program I can use with it, so I'm good there info-wise.


    3. I know I'll need another license to run a dedicated server...which I fully intend on doing once I get everything straight.


    4. What else should I consider?



    Thanks in advance to any/all responses.


  5. It's not as simple as "it should be there". There will no doubt me some missions where there won't be any due to the environmental factors. Where the possibility of it is likely in Russia, it will be greatly decreased in Nevada due to the climate.


    Just sayin.

  6. In the second Gulf War a disabled M1 could not be recoved so a second M1 fired a depleted uranium round into the front of the disabled tank from close range. The round did not penetrate. A lowly Vikhr is not going to destroy an M1, but could disable the tracks or engine if the hit from the sides or rear.


    The front and sides of the turret (mostly the front) is the most "protective" of the tank itself. If anything, the Vikhr will knock the wind out of the crew, shortly followed by a killer headache.


    The rear of the turret though, is vulnerable.

  7. I stumbled upon the news {DCS: A-10C} by accident and think it will be a great improvement over the previously released version.


    There was no previously released version, making your comments already off-base.


    Comparing one with the other simply because it's the same developer seems...silly, especially when there are different standards, respectively.


    The A-10A is NOT DCS.

  8. Starting up manually for me totally adds to the immersion...I'm also too lazy to look up what the manual startup shortcut is ;).


    My preference is inside a virtual cockpit as nice as black shark and a10 I will always opt for the manual startup.


    Pushing buttons that make sounds and spin dials gives me a sense of POWER!!!! ;)


    Same, but moreso I like learning what controls what.




    You want lots of switchology? Pray for a DCS: Eagle. A F-15 driver I knew moons ago said "It's a beautiful plane to fly, very easy & fun, but it's a pain in the ass to remember what everything does".

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