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Posts posted by apollon01

  1. Hi @sigmet,


    From your previous post (January 30) I can see that you made the FBO with the WWII in mind. Maybe that's why I can see certain patterns that are perhaps not ideal for the modern jet era 🙂


    For example (FBO Caucasus v1.12):

    - when on A-A BVR combat mission, the targets spawn quite close to player aircraft - only around 20 miles or so, which is pretty close for a BVR encounter 🙂 (Amraams have range of 30-40 miles)

    - when intercepting a bomber, it spawns relatively low (even if player aircraft is spawned at 10000 ft; I would expect them to come at around 30000 ft and more)

    - fighters also seem to spawn relatively low thus not allowing for a high-altitude combat


    I will understand if you are not keen on changing the code of your FBO mission files. Though, is there a way how to tweak these settings on my end? (e.g. like you suggested in your previous post to ohyeah2389)


    Also, could you please indicate what to change and where if I wish to change default variables, e.g. default spawn aircraft, default A-A mode to BVR, default distance to target...


    Thanks again for your FBO missions, I am using them for fun and training!




    EDIT: Using the suggestion in your previous reply, I managed to adjust the spawn distance by using "BVRTriggerDistance" and "DefaultTriggerDistance" and also managed to adjust the spawn altitude by editing the onetime.lua script.

  2. Hello, 


    I have also experienced quite substantial performance loss in VR (9900k, 2080ti, HP Reverb G2).


    I managed to trace it down to a possible issue with FPS capping/locking.


    Example 1: motion reprojection set on auto in WMR settings for SteamVR (default.vrsettings file)

    - MiG 29, Instant Action Cold Start in Nevada: flips between 90 and 45 fps - so ALL OK

    - Su 27, Instant Action Bomber Intercept in Caucasus: fps locked at 60 - causing unplayable judders


    Example 2: motion reprojection forced to always on ("motionReprojectionMode": "motionvector") thus forcing DCS to run at 45 fps and letting motion reprojection do its magic

    - ALL OK in both scenarios above


    I checked also for L 39 with the same resultd as for the Su 27.


    Maybe worth checking this in your WMR related settings and perhaps something for ED to look at?


  3. Thanks for a quick reply @MadDog-IC, I appreciate it.


    - I deactivated all mods including any unofficial aircraft mods (A4 and C130).

    - I also checked that the little clock in the Mission Editor is not active.


    But the issue is still the same.


    I am attaching a screen from the Mission Editor where you can see that the carrier is indeed the old Kuznetsov (while the drop down list offers also the 2017 version).

    I am attaching also my dcs.log from which I am a bit perplexed 🙂 Maybe you can spot something wrong?


    Interesting thing is that when I try this version from @TripleSeven published on 25.7.2020 (so before your latest update)




    it actually works. However, of course, I'd rather use the latest version if possible (=yours).


    Perhaps you could see something from the log. However if you are busy with other stuff, do not worry - it is not the end of the world 🙂







  4. Hi @MadDog-IC and thank you for your work on the updates to the default FC aircraft campaigns.


    I am now with the Sea Dragon campaign and as I own the Super Carrier module, naturally I downloaded your fixes for the Super Carrier owners:




    However, I noticed the new Admiral Kuznetsov (labeled as 2017 in the Mission Editor) is actually not there. The missions start on the old one.


    From your experience, is swapping the ships in the Mission Editor OK to do the trick? (I can do that myself, of course) Or is the swapping more complicated matter in order not to brake the missions?





  5. Hello,


    I have some experience with modding textures but zero experience with modding DCS.


    I would therefore appreciate if you could help me to get started on how to go from this (Su-27; entire dashboard illuminated, gauges not)




    to this (MiG-29; gauges illuminated, dashboard not so much)




    To be honest, I am not sure whether it is possible at all (I do not know whether the night lighting is just night textures or some sort of illumination with light source), but I am happy to burn some hours of my free time to learn something new and hopefully deliver something useful for this community.





  6. Hi and thanks for your replies.


    3. The reason behind this feature is the (lack of) time. I got a busy family and professional life and am happy if I grab up to one hour for simming every other day. Therefore, I would appreciate a possibility to skip the start-up, taxi, take-off and cruise in exchange for quicker action. Though feel free to keep it as it is. It works OK.


    6. OK, I need to get to that stage first :)


    8. Possibly. It happened to me on more occasions doing something different.


    9. Right. That's why I got a different set of instructions when testing in MiG-15 :thumbup:


    10. Is this really Text to speech? It is actually really good. Which software are you using?


    I will come back once I have another chance to give it a try :pilotfly:

  7. Oh, I have missed the part where you say you uploaded new miz versions :doh:


    I will test it soon and then will edit this post adding my comments, OK?





    EDIT: Here we go


    I started to look for community made "auto-generated" missions such as this one since similar content out of the box is quite painfully missing in DCS. Therefore, I appreciate your work and work of other freeware DCS contributors who manage to fill in this gap!


    1. It is actually fun :-)


    2. I tried with MiG-29, Su-33 and F-15C - all these were in the list. How is the list of slots available made? Is it fixed or it can be modified to suit the user's aircraft collection?


    3. Does the list contain also airborne positions for getting faster to engagement area?


    4. In Russian planes, the altitude is given in ft even though they fly in meters. Found it in settings.


    5. What is the altitude used for? (25k ft in all three sorties) I got reminded by the instructor for breaching / loosing the altitude even when in actual BFM.


    6. I think in the briefing the instructor mentions that he will evaluate me - is there any evaluation in the end? Sorry to ask as I never got back to the base :-)


    7. In the first sortie I crashed into the opponent rendering himself and myself dead. I then picked another slot but the original mission kinda continued and the instructor wanted me to fly to an engagement zone. In such cases, it should terminate automatically.


    8. In another sortie I shot the two opponents and while waiting for further instructions (instructor called end of engagement and knock it off) I was listing through the waypoint list (F-15C) and got an error message and DCS crashed.


    9. Waypoints... I understand the system of opponents randomly spawning around and the player being assigned a waypoint, but... the waypoint numbering does not work in MiG-29 (I think it is the same in Su-27 and -33 but those can use "top down" projection on their head down displays to get oriented somehow) - in MiG-29 you can cycle through the waypoints without knowing their ID such as number. But then you get BRA anyway so then the user does not have to use the waypoints anyway.


    10. The voice overs are good!


    11. How about 1v2 or 2v2 or 4v4? Just an idea :-)


    12. In all three sorties, it took a while to get close to the opponents - maybe shorten the distance to say 30-40nm? It is about guns anyway...


    13. Would it be possible to vary also time of day (during the early morning to late evening, for instance) and weather?


    Once I test more, I am happy to come back with more feedback if you want


    All in all: :thumbup:

  8. Hi sigmet and thank you for your reply.


    Sorry for a dumb question above :huh:


    I got just one MiG 31 when I set the difficulty on Challenging and Hard. Will try again :thumbup:




    EDIT: Tried again and it works as intended. My bad, sorry. I have probably screwed something up before :thumbup:

  9. Hi again,


    just a quick question: For A2A "Fighter" missions, can I change the number of how many enemy fighters are spawned? Would it be possible to perhaps add a sub-menu where to chose the number of enemy fighters? (like A2A mission -> Fighter -> 1 fighter or 2 fighters or 4 fighters...).


    This would be to balance the numbers on "my" side (in case I spawn also my wingman or as a squadron leader).


    Thank you for consideration!



  10. Thank you both for comments. I appreciate it :thumbup:


    ...the FC3 campaign missions in DCS as they stand now are generally not any of my work at all


    In the end I decided to go with your versions and if I run into problems (missions broken by DCS patches) I will swap that particular mission with the default one.


    Wish me luck :pilotfly:



  11. Hello,


    I have a question about the default Over the Hump campaign for the MiG-29.


    As of now (June 2020), does the default campaign contain all the fixes introduced by MadDog-IC as explained here?





    What confuses me is the fact that the default campaign folder contains also the Mig-29 Over the Hump Fixes (v2.5x).txt file which details all the changes by MadDog-IC but the miz files are newer and are of different sizes than those included in the MadDog-IC download (so apparently the default and MadDog-IC miz files are not the same).


    So my question boils down into - should I use the MadDog-IC download (link above) or am I just fine with the default version as of June 2020?






    PS: Similar question goes to the F-15C Bear Trap campaign.

  12. Hi Apache600,


    I can confirm the issue reported above (on the latest beta in the MiG) - the helo does not take off even if all ground units are gone. The friendly does not shoot the broken helo (out of ammo?) and if I do it, nothing changes. The F10 radio command never appears.


    Thanks for looking into it. For the time being I just used the auto-success and am moving on.




    EDIT: For the record, I tried 5x and never got a radio message from the Rescue 1 as is heard on 4:17 or 5:54 in the video linked above (and again here below for your convenience):

  13. Hi Apache600 and thanks for the campaign. I am having fun. Right now I am in the middle of it (mission 8-6; and yes - the helo is not taking off, I will check the radio command), flew some missions multiple times (my bombing sucks much more than my gunnery) and always feel great when RTB after successful mission.


    I also plan to come back with another aircraft. In my case, I will give it a try in the L-39. It could be good fit for some of your missions!



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