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Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    IL2, Wings of Prey, Lock On, Black Shark...
  • Location
    Falls Church, VA, USA
  • Interests
    Flying, Kung Fu, Flight Simulation, Outdoors.
  • Occupation
    Airline Pilot (Embraer 170/175/190), Republic Airways, DCA.
  1. I saw the EGT spike a bit, good call. You guys are great in this forum. Thanks for the help.
  2. Very nice Speed. Thanks for the awesome post. Very helpful. I am so used to flying fixed wing airplanes in and out of the sim world, that I totally had to re-wire my brain to handle this thing. Holding the trim down sounds counter intuitive, but just like everything else in flying a helicopter... Ha ha. I'll try it and see. Oh, another question really quick. Can you start the second engine using the other one (crossbleed start), or must you use the APU always? Thx
  3. Vitesse, I think that was it. I guess the Autopilot switches threw me off. I looked at them as actual autopilot switches, and not pitch/roll/yaw stab switches. You are a genius, an artist and a scholar my friend. Bien Joue et merci!
  4. No, I think I forgot to do that. Is that it? I must have missed that part during the training video.
  5. Hi All! So I just recently purchased BS. I never flew a helo before, so please be patient. I completed the training up to hover, and have relatively little difficulty handling the helo.... But when I create my own mission, cold cockpit start up, things are different: After the "after start and before take-off checks", when I take it up in the air, I am unable to maintain level flight, turn, or stay coordinated. It is like I am flying a completely different machine. It almost feels like I am sitting on the tip of a needle. Very unstable. I know I am forgetting something, maybe a stab switch, somewhere, on the before take off check. Can you help? Thanks a million
  6. Wow, easy dude. I was just asking a question...jeeez.
  7. I agree. I flew sims since I can remember. FS3 (in black and white) on my old 286 was my first one. When I finally flew my first real airplane, I had to break really bad habits. Before I went on to train on the jet, I practiced like crazy on my computer first. The basic Instrument skills were there, but all the CRM, procedures, limitations, flows and profiles had to be learned. As a matter of fact, flight sim did hurt me a little bit there too, for I am a slow learner.
  8. Hahahahahahahaha, Very good ECV56_Finger! It worked and I am an idiot. I was jut pressing it and not holding it down. Thanks again!:thumbup:
  9. Okay, I know this is a dum question, but after locking on to a target, on any radar mode, for any airplane, I can't fire my missiles. I tried space+AltR, configuring the joystick, re assigning the keys...etc. I am not new at Lock On, but can't seem to figure out how to launch them in this newer version. Can you help? Thanks a million.
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