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About joda1994

  • Birthday April 12

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS: Modules A 10 C and F 18
  • Location
  • Interests
    Fighter Jets of all ages

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  1. That would be my wish
  2. Entwarnung, habe das Problem selbst gelöst. Unter Steam, die Dateien checken und automatisch reparieren lassen. Hat gefunzt!
  3. Hallo zusammen, Ich fliegeschon mehrere Jahre problemlos DCS (A 10 C, F18 und neuerdings F4-E). Seid heute rolllt die F 4 plötzlich extrem nach links und lässt sich auch durch Gegensteuern und Trimmen nicht kontrollieren . In der Steuerungseinstellung, unter Achsbefehlen des Joysticks ist die Rollfunktion, wo normalerweise JOY_X sein sollte alles leer. Auch wenn ich den Joystick entsprechend der Achse bewege passiert nichts. Any idea? Danke im voraus für jeden Tip
  4. Yesss, I would also be very happy to see the polar lights on the Kola Map.!
  5. Hi Frost15, I have the same issue like you. Can not find a A 10 C squadron, but I keep looking. As soon as I have found a group with HOGs I will let U know!
  6. Thanks a lot Cpt.!
  7. Can I switch to the previous version in Steam?
  8. Hi Flappie, thanks for your qick response. I am not sure that I have a SSD driver issue, because my system worked perfectly at least for 2 years now. The actual problem began with the last update I made. I made this update last week after a 2 monrh break in which I had no time to fly.
  9. Hi guys, here comes the dcs log file. Thanks for your support! dcs.log
  10. Thanks for thee info. I will check it tomorrow
  11. Where do I find the DCS.log? I have no idea.
  12. Hi I have the same problem. When the mission is completed and I want to exit, the whole computer goes out. Even the windows desktop! Please advise, thank U!
  13. Hello Lange_666, 1000 thanks for your advice! It drove me mad not to get access to the F 10 Key map. Now it works !
  14. Yes RodBorza, I agree! The same experiences I made with the snap yiew of my F 18. BUT.: With the A 10, everything is okay with the snap view. Even if you quite the mission and start another one, no problem. The custom snap views are there. For that reason it seems to me as if the problem is caused by the F 18 module.
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