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  1. Mad_Shell's post in What Are These Icons? was marked as the answer   
    From the latest changelog:
    ME. Added a warning, when appropriate, about placing a unit on a sloped surface. A notification will appear on a red background indicating the current value and affordable limit (in parentheses).
  2. Mad_Shell's post in AH-64 True Airspeed on Up Front Display Incorrect was marked as the answer   
    Is there some wind in the mission? If there is a 15 knots wind, then in a hover or on the ground the true air speed is 15 knots.
  3. Mad_Shell's post in IR-CCM in DCS was marked as the answer   
    Yes, everything related to IR is very barebones in DCS. You won't get any tone on a flare or a heat source on the ground, flares are just a dice roll, and yes it's either off, on, or afterburner for aircraft IR emissions...
  4. Mad_Shell's post in AGM-114L does not work with FCR was marked as the answer   
    Did you disable the trigger guard? You can either disable it in the special options (see picture) or bind it (in this case you'll need to switch it in game before you can use the trigger).

  5. Mad_Shell's post in S-300 (I don't know if it's only S-300) SAMs self-destructing after launch was marked as the answer   
    It is probably because the aircraft that are being targeted begin to jam the S300 when they get the RWR launch warning. The S300 loses the lock and the missiles self destruct. Set the AI ECM option to "never use" and see if it fixes the issue.
  6. Mad_Shell's post in Questions for a Developer Q&A - Answers? was marked as the answer   
    ED said it would take some time, but 5 months and still counting to answer a Q&A is kind of crazy...
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