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Pvt Hudson

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Everything posted by Pvt Hudson

  1. Yes it says F18c and easy comms OFF in the Vaicom LCD. Can communicate with ATC fine... it's the AFAC (Predator drone) that won't respond (in MP only). Vaicom seems to recognise me initiating a converstaion with them, on correct radio/freq per attached pic null
  2. Hello, Got dedicated server sitting in another room. It has "require pure scripts" = false On my client PC I setup Vaicom community around xmas time and now trying to get it running. I did the reset LUA after last weeks DCS patch , "use in multiplayer" is ticked, use "extend command set" is ticked. Running mission on client PC (i.e. singleplayer) i can talk to ATC, ground crew, AFAC fine. Playing the exact same mission on multiplayer, i can talk to ATC with Vaicom and that's about it. Ground crew will never respond (i need to remove chocks etc using the Fmenu). Just once i had a predator AFAC respond to voice, but it would not give me 9line or respond any further. Tried the mission again and whilst vaicom recognises my check in/playtime initial request, the AFAC never responds to it. I am flying quite close to the AFAC and using Fmenu to talk to it works, so i have correct freq dialled in... What else might I have missed getting it working consistently in MP missions ?
  3. What car is being sold for $1 ? Hint for when you join the real world: none. Cars cost many 1000s to the consumer and they'll likely sell far more per copy than a DCS module. These guys and gals will be using hardware used to scan textures, record sounds, write code, create 3d models etc, need licences for the software they use, pay rent and other bills if they have physical presence. How rude of the developers, managers, testers, artists wanting to get paid. Never mind some profit for the company to conduct future R&D, expand, pay employees for products in early development. This attitude that all software must be free or $1 is offensive, plain and simple
  4. Bit confused with the setup/workflow for Moose. Following the FlightControl Moose setup videos... 1) somewhere on C drive we create folders for moose, moose (demo) missions and our moose missions, e.g.: c:\xxx\moose c:\xxx\moose missions c:\xxx\my moose missions 2) create in an eclipse workspace: LUA project based on project in c:\xxx\moose LUA project based on project for c:\xxx\moose missions, and LUA project (new) for our moose missions called "My_Missions" (this appears to be in no way linked to the 3rd folder in step1 ???) and then a new folder under My_Missions. In the new folder we create a lua file with code which is referenced in the DCS mission editor and we save the miz file back to same location in the workspace. 3) create following junctions for step1 folders to the "user\saved games" folder: c:\xxx\moose missions -> user\saved games\moose missions c:\xxx\my moose missions -> user\saved games\my moose missions Moving onto the "Moose for Dummies" videos, everything (both the miz file and lua script) appear to be getting saved in / run from the "c:\xxx\my moose missions" location and NOT in the "My_Missions" eclipse workspace folder created in step2. So I am confused how we're coding and can get benefit of intellisense if these files never appear in the workspace (in other words, that folder and workspace location arent linked) ?
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