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Dangerzone's post in VKB Gunfighter set up for the Hornet was marked as the answer
You don't need to use the VKB software. One of the fantastic things I love about VKB and Virpil is that the software is used to flash changes to the device. Once done - the settings are device side (so you can change computers and use exactly the same profile on another computer without VKB Software running in the background). It's fantastic.
As for setting the stick up right - there is no right or wrong way - as the stick isn't a true FA18 replica stick, so it really comes down to how you want to set it up. I know I have my stick setup very differently to others and even have the TDC on the stick, as opposed to the throttle, and use a modifier for the paddle so that I can use the paddle axis for breaking (without the modifier), etc - so you probably don't want to see my profile. My reasoning is that I fly multiple aircraft I am to setup my stick to be as common as possible functionality wise between the aircraft I fly, so it really comes down to personal preference.
If you want it setup similar to a FA18, I'd suggest looking at a FA18 stick's assignment, and trying to replicate as close as you can.
Here's a link that shows a FA18 stick setup if you want to replicate as close to reality:
Hope this helps
Dangerzone's post in Dynamic FARP spawn empty was marked as the answer
Update on this: Apparently Pikey says that this has been requested, so hopefully we'll see this in the next patch. So, it seems as though the change is intentional, and by request of Closed Beta testers / other dev's, so it's not a bug. (Just an 'undocumented feature 😆... no I'm being serious this time - this is a case of it really being an undocumented feature). Apparently having FARPS with unlimited by default was causing issues with people being able to load nukes or similar, so it was decided it's best to have them empty and then either switched by code if the mission designer wants them to be unlimited, or otherwise hauled I guess by Chinooks, and the warehouse transport function.
For more info on this:
Dangerzone's post in No takeoff and land event for players was marked as the answer
Takeoff and landing events reported as a bug and seen by Bignewy in this thread yesterday...
Dangerzone's post in Av-8B removed from libary was marked as the answer
I can't test mine at the moment, but have you tried logging out of your account (in DCS there's a icon at the top right corner that should log you out of your account). Then try logging back in again when you next start DCS and see if it comes back.
If that doesn't work - with DCS closed you could try renaming your saved games\DCS directory to DCS.BAK. Then start DCS (this will give you brand new configurations, and should prompt you to log in again). See if this works. You can always revert back to your old configuration by deleting/renaming the new "DCS" folder and then renaming DCS.BAK back to DCS again. This option really is just to make sure it's not an issue with your local config file.
If both of those fail, can you try logging into your web account at digitalcombatsimulator and see if the module is still there for you. If it is, and the above 2 steps haven't worked, you may want to try contacting ED support to see if there's an issue with your account.
Please let us know how you go.
Dangerzone's post in DCS Crash entering in multiplayer server was marked as the answer
Don't have an answer for you regarding the reasons, but if you want a quick check try the following:
Navigate to your saved games folder. In there find the DCS or DCS.OPENBETA folder. Rename this to DCS.OLD.
Then navigate to your DCS install's BIN directory and type in "dcs_update repair", and go through the repair process.
Then boot up DCS. All your settings will be lost (don't worry - you have them saved in DCS.OLD). This is only a test to see IF this fixes the issue or not.
If DCS runs fine, then you can close out, navigate to your saved games folder. You will have a new DCS or DCS.OPEN BETA folder. Delete it and then rename your DCS.OLD back to DCS or DCS.OPENBETA (whatever it was before).
Re-run DCS. If it crashes again - you know the problem is with your settings or a mod. Fear not: If that happens, close DCS again, and rename DCS to DCS.OLD again. Then copy across only the things you really need (such as your config\input directory so you don't need to rebind all your things). Restart DCS and make sure it doesn't crash. Then one by one (if you want) re-install your mods until you find the culprit, or.. it otherwise just works fine without crashing.
FWIW - I would recommend using OVGME or another mod manager to manage mods, as it's far easier just to uninstall the mods using this to do a repair, and then place them back after the repair.
TL;DR - With DCS closed, rename the DCS folder in your saved games directory to DCS.OLD and try running DCS. If it fixes the problem, you know it's a setting you had. You can recover your settings by renaming DCS.OLD back to DCS again if you want, or managing individually (per above).
Dangerzone's post in Radio Chatter for Download was marked as the answer
Have you tried VAICOM? In addition to the very immersive voice commands that can be given - I believe they also have chatter functionality built in. If you haven't checked it out, it might be worth a look.
Dangerzone's post in Bingo Fuel Warning now doesn't stop after new update 2.9.3 for F18 was marked as the answer
I believe this is correct as is. Yes - it's just been introduced with the latest update, but I'm fairly sure it's correct as per the Operations for the Block 20 F/A18, and the change is to have the bingo behave as it does in real life.
Edit: From the ops manual. (A web search on the below text should give you external references to manuals if you wish to double check, as I'm not going to post external links to PDF files here):
The “Bingo” voice alert is activated when the BINGO caution comes on. With MC OFP 19C, the ″Bingo″ voice alert sounds every 30 seconds until the BINGO fuel level is set below current fuel on board.
The correct procedure is to set a new bingo level. This method ensures that the pilot keeps hearing bingo, incase it's missed during a radio call, RWR or other distractions.
Dangerzone's post in UH-1 Force Trim for spring joystick was marked as the answer
OK - I've just found the problem.
For some reason, under the Options->Misc tab, there's a checkbox called "Force feedback". This was checked. Unchecking it seems to have resolved the problem.
Dangerzone's post in AH64D some new bug was marked as the answer
Can you please provide Track files so we can see what you're doing and what your SHOW settings are configured to? By default I don't believe that Targets/Threats are boxed, so you need to turn these on in order for both your target points to be shown as well as other threats.
Dangerzone's post in DCS Pausing / Freezing when I task switch out was marked as the answer
OK - I think I may have found something.
I can task switch to numerous programs and DCS will run in the background OK.
As soon as I task switch to Edge - and switch some tabs in Edge- it seems that DCS stops in the background. It randomly starts again (I'm looking at the clock/time in the top-right hand corner of the F10 map - it literally stops but no pause icon shows up).
DCS switches to 0.1% and 0.0% usage (but no message about process not responding).
Once it kicks back in - it's back around 10-13% process.
Maybe Edge is doing something funky with other processes when it's open. IDK. I'm running in high performance on the power settings, so not sure what Windows is doing there. Anyway - it seems while doing dev work I should keep edge closed, or otherwise maybe use another browser.