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  1. Smashy's post in Add "+" to Assigned Controller Command was marked as the answer   
    In your example, you'll need to add JOY BTN4 as a modifier.  Hit the button labelled "Modifiers" on the control options screen and add JOY BTN4 via the dialog box that pops up.
  2. Smashy's post in Multi selection tool: what is the anchor (and the move anchor button) for? was marked as the answer   
    Here's a helpful vid: 
  3. Smashy's post in C-Scope bug was marked as the answer   
    Fingers crossed the patch scheduled for today (Aug 9) will unbreak C-Scope.
    edit - got to check out the patch and yay, C-Scope is back!  Also, RMAP is pretty cool.  Nice job guys.
  4. Smashy's post in Datalink & target sharing etc in single player was marked as the answer   
    From Wags' RFHO video: "For all FCR datalink communications, it will initially be regarding multiplayer. Once the FCR and datalink are final, we’ll then add this for AI Primary members."  Hopefully most, if not all, DL bells and whistles make it to SP.
  5. Smashy's post in Hornet kneeboard position help please was marked as the answer   
    You can edit the following file to set the initial position of the kneeboard to your liking:
    Look for the following line and modify accordingly:
    local x0 = 0
    From experimenting, the value in the variable represents the offset in pixels from the right edge of your monitor(s).  For example, my second monitor has a resolution of 1920x1080 so I changed this value to:
    local x0 = 1920
    That pushes the kneeboard 1920 pixels to the left and puts it on the left edge of my first monitor.
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