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Everything posted by Dystopian

  1. I found a nice home, I'll tell you all about it on Discord
  2. Fellow Pilots, My life was once simple but then I discovered IL-2 which lead me to DCS, I then bought the F-16 and I fell in love. Now all I do with my life is study Chuck's guide, watch DCS videos and fly poorly. I'm looking for people to fly with that could help me grow and improve. And blow sh*t up. I'm looking for a small, tightly knit, relatively serious group. I would prefer flying with mostly the same people at mostly the same time. I would not mind flying in a wing but I'm thinking I might be a tad too casual (and foul mouthed) for a full milsim group. I'm 30somthing-and-a-half, I have a cheap HOTAS, TrackIR and a good headset. I'll have a lot of free time for the next couple of months. I have the Persian golf map, I'm expecting to grow my mod library but I'd prefer to start to fly the F-16 semi-competently first. I like long walks on the beach, going to the movies and travelling. I can be reached preferably on Discord at Dystopian Fox#8720
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