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Posts posted by Crashdown2

  1. I lied. Further testing I chose a USAF loadout and everything worked without a hitch. The USN loadout had the issues which makes no sense in my mind since this is just a texture thing (?!?). So I guess no white bombs for me for a while.

  2. GBU 38s on dual racks must be power cycled and realigned after first bomb release off each station. For some reason the second bombs on each rack are not aligned, and are "X"ed out. GBU 12s will need the efuze reset if previously set if another bomb type is used first and then GBU 12 reselected. 


    Recent track file too large to upload, but problem can be reproduced.

  3. While playing on a multiplayer server on the Syria map, frame rate drops unexpectedly. Last night I was stuck on a CPU bound thread at average fps of 22. Exited when mission was done and fired up single player mission in Syria, and MT worked as expected, producing 120 to 145 fps.

    As a side note, in NTTR certain areas of the airfield are CPU bound, especially the open air covers, while everything else is GPU bound. Rest of map is GPU.

  4. Chuck's guide is currently wrong. The Hornet radar used to turn off while jamming was on, but no longer, at least in TWS. I haven't seen much degradation in missile performance with jamming on, however I'm not sure how to quantify it, or measure it in the heat of combat.

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  5. I noticed that there are two trim command sets, one for the stick and one for the wheel on the left panel. I have the trim hat set on the hotas and the trim wheel is left alone on the keyboard commands, however when I used the trim hat, the wheel moves as well, even though it's not assigned to it. Is this normal? Could this be our trimming problems?

  6. All of the answers above, snarky or otherwise are correct, however the question was more simple. It does seem strange, since there are no forward firing weapons directly behind the front gear, but you kind of have to take into account maneuvering and the possibility that a weapon could smack into the gear. I do agree that doors off gear up would not necessitate the disabling of weapons, but if the bird only knows what it's told, and what it's told is limited, it's better to be safe than sorry. I run into this problem from time to time because the buttons on the throttle I have assigned to the gear don't work all of the time, (I disabled most of the keyboard stuff due to a chat issue that caused me to screw up a bunch of other stuff once on a paired mission) so I get it. It isn't always about "flying correctly", though it's important, even in the sim, there are times when things don't go as you expect, and by the time you notice, it can be too late to correct.

  7. On 8/27/2022 at 10:24 AM, QuiGon said:

    How does it show that?

    Simply by flying around, and then engaging targets A/G with gun and slick bombs.  Right on target.  Stored heading will give you the headache of missing all the time and falling back on manual mode. I think it is the stored heading option of alignment that is bugged, not quite the INS itself. However I don't code and don't have access to it, but stands to reason that if full alignment works and stored heading doesn't....

  8. Just got home and tested it. Doing full alignment does not show drift or INS "mismatch". Stored heading will.  So if you like to go without the GPS correction, then you'll have to put in the 8min 53sec worth of waiting for alignment.

  9. 1 minute ago, QuiGon said:

    I hot started, or air started even, when I tested this here, so no stored heading alignment:


    I did say rarely as well with this, but sometimes I get lucky on hot starts. Keep in mind, the long alignment worked once so far. I don't have the patience to wait that long all the time :). Anyway, I am going to try it again when I get home. Make sure it wasn't a fluke.

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  10. Oddly enough, I messed up alignment with stored heading, and waited the nearly 9 minutes for alignment, and the issue wasn't there. I've also noted that servers or missions with hot starts don't have this issue either, or rarely. Wonder if it's tied to the stored heading.

  11. When target is designated with ATFLIR, the waypoint moves along with the ground stabilized tracking, diamond can be erratic.  This is different than how it used to behave. Set waypoint, designate as target, switch to ground stabilized, pan around.  Need to go back? Then check waypoint and then designate as target or go back to diamond, ATFLIR slews back to original waypoint.  Now where ever you move the the ground stabilized designator, the waypoint follows, and is updated in the data page on the HSI.  Track included here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P2KM7TnJppN36sO0np3UdHgW6_K9acrV/view?usp=sharing since file is too large to upload here. F/A-18 portion is first and shows the issue.

  12. 1 hour ago, Wroblowaty said:

    Have you tried to TDC depress while designating target with ATFLIR?

    Never had to before, just made sure FLIR was the source and it would normally update live as I slewed the TGP, which is why I like the ATFLIR more.  GBU 38 still works this way.  I used to be able to fly to a target zone, point at a target, drop, slew, drop, slew and so on and get all targets (or within reasonable error) but not any more.

  13. On 4/20/2022 at 5:51 PM, NineLine said:

    I have not seen this, can you give your specs, or dxdiag file. 


    Sorry, have not seen the notification on the reply...I have had multiple crashes before and sent the crash dump to ED each time, I hope this helps.  Since I got a tool to trim memory, after the trim I can run Syria within 9GB, which is amazing.

  14. When using GBU 31 on the Hornet in TOO mode, the MSN page of the JDAM doesn't reflect coords on ATFLIR. This problem seems to be recent, as it did work before.  Other GBUs work as intended, only the 500 pounders are affected. Work around seems to be to set up markpoints and use weapon designate. This process is slow when compared to just using TGP.

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