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Everything posted by Popper

  1. Sorry for the late response. Not possible at this time but I'll add it to the list of features.
  2. I suggest you delete the second line and use the third line (DO SCRIPT FILE). The path you are using in the second line (DO SCRIPT) seems to be invalid.
  3. Check out the Github page, it has all the documentation. I'll try to create a video tutorial soon.
  4. Hi guys! Do you want to dynamically spawn, respawn and despawn groups in your DCS mission? Do you want to have sub folders in the F10 menu? Did they tell you you'll need to learn LUA coding and the DCS scripting environment to do it? Well, I learned LUA so you don't have to. This script will create submenu's in the F10 menu based on the names of groups. It will create a sub menu for every group that has within a spawn and despawn button, these do exactly that. For now it's possible to go 1 submenu deep and also to add multiple groups to 1 spawn/despawn button. An example: If I have the following groups: !! Red 1 !?Wave 1?! Red 2 !?Wave 1?! Red 3 !?Wave 2?*BULK 1*! Red 4 !?Wave 2?*BULK 1*! Red 5 The following F10 menu will be created (not accounting for the random order it will be in): Red 1 Spawn Despawn Wave 1 Red 2 Spawn Despawn Red 3 Spawn Despawn Wave 2 BULK 1 Spawn Despawn As you can see Red 4 and 5 are not shown as they are a part of BULK 1 and both will be spawned or despawned by the buttons. To learn more check it out on GitHub: https://github.com/Markoudstaal/DCS-Simple-Spawn-Menu Need help? Join this Discord: https://discord.gg/8VbKnKvN5r
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