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  1. slyvenne


    Il me semble que tous les appareils de Razbam ne sont pas/plus en promotion. A voir aux prochaines soldes...
  2. It would be great if the new instant action generator can generate cargo mission for transport aircraft (trooptransport, slingload, csar...).
  3. Thanks a lot
  4. Hello Flappie, I'm not an expert too. I thought red, yellow and blue use the bru42. On my point of view, the load of 3 suu25 + 1 bru42 is accurate.
  5. If they can add interaction between current helicopter (and av8b) with current supercarrier ships, that will be a good step
  6. Since 2.9, the APKWS are no more in A2G missile sub category. They are in rocket category.
  7. slyvenne


    Tu peux les utiliser lors de l'achat suivant. Le nombre de miles divisé par 100 correspond à la somme de reduction.
  8. Hello Flappie, The previous calculation were done only with dcs data comparing with other system using similar single/tripple launcher (mk82, gbu, rocket launcher...). Here is what I find on the net: The weight of a LUU-2 illumination flare is 30lb. https://towndock.net/files/LUU_Parachute_Factsheet.pdf https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/luu2-specs.htm The weight of an empty suu25 is 260lb (I don't find more than one sources) https://www.arnolddefense.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/SUU-25.pdf So a suu25 with 8 luu-2 is about 500lb (twice more than the value of current dcs). Now about the bru42, I find a weight of 214lb (difficult to find a source too). http://www.anft.net/f-14/f14-detail-rack-bomb.htm So a tripple rack bru42 with 3 full suu25 should weight about 1714lb (near the value of dcs). And its the value of a single suu25 which may have an issue. But as it is hard to find data about this (except for the luu-2 itself), I'm not sure of what it is true. Is this enough for you? The only thing I'm sure is there is a disproportion of weight in dcs between 1 luu25 and 3 luu25 on a hard point.
  9. Something like this (it is not the somke marker but I remember this warehead was quoted for the apache in the early access user manual and it will perfectly does the job): https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/hydra-70.htm "[...] The M264 RP Smoke is used as a red phosphorus (RP) filled smoke rocket propelled by the MK66 motor and functions at a remote settable range from 1000 to 6000 meters. Upon functioning, the M439 Fuze ignites the expulsion mix, which simultaneously ignites and ejects the 5 pound RP payload through the shear-pinned nose cone. The burning RP drops to the ground producing a voluminous cloud of white smoke. Fourteen M264 rockets will screen a 300-400 meter front with a 5-10 knot wind from the unaided eye for a minimum of 5 minutes. The RP pellet stack assembly consists of 72 RP pellets arranged in 18 rows of 4 each and are separated by felt pieces impregnated with a phosphine gas absorbent mixture, manganese dioxide/cuprous oxide. [...]"
  10. There is a lack of effectiveness with nato rocket that generate smoke to mark something (The topic is about rocket smoke marker. Not the rocket for training). The ex URSS aircraft (Su25-27-33, mig 29, ka50, mi8, mi24) have pretty good rocket smoke marker (big smoke in orange seen far away). The mi8 also has different color (red, green, purple...). This is very effective to designate in multiplayer a target or any other object. But for Nato aircraft, the rocket smoke marker are ineffective (A very little white smoke during very little time). So pretty useless in multiplayer to designate an object. Can you please improve smoke generator of nato rocket smoke marker (time generated, volume of smoke, color)? Thanks for your help.
  11. Hello, J'en profite pour prêcher pour ma paroisse: A la 06MHR, le recrutement est ouvert à des AV8B Harrier et A10C Warthog supplémentaires pour soutenir nos camarades en voilure tournante (nous sommes 4 avions à la date du message). Quelques avantages: 1) Nous volons au service des helicos. A chaque mission, nous sommes appelés à fournir un support CAS/RECO/SEAD dont il est gratifiant de fournir à d'autres joueurs. Notre trainning est orienté dans ce sens (com radio, 5 line/ 9 line, buddy lasing, identification de menace...). 2) On ne vole jamais dans notre coin (conséquence du 1) ) 3) on ne sert pas de putching ball à la chasse adverse. Les missions de la 06MHR sont orientées Air/sol pour helico. Ici les avions dédiés Air/Sol ne décollent pas en priant pour ne pas être intercepté par la CAP adverse. Et pas d'alerte Mig29 au RWR qui est synonyme de fuite perpétuelle pour finir souvent au bout d'un parachute ^^. 4) Du challenge...sans faire n'importe quoi. Nous sommes souvent appelés pour traiter des cibles "dangereuse" pour un helico (AAA, SAM courte portée, blindé masqué en zone urbaine...). Mais on le fait en s'assurant que tout le monde rentre à la base. Bref, rejoignez nous. Nous recrutons les motivés à tout niveau
  12. Hello, As part of an helicopter squadron, we use artillery to strike a posirion while using the helicopter sensor to define target coordinates and asses the engagement. But for amphibious operation, we lack artillery with enouth range (destroyer gun range is about 9Nm and its a non sence to use tomahawk on light vehicle). So is it please possible to have a modernised iowa class battleship like used in Vietnam war or Gulfwar? The 406mm gun should provide enouth range (23 to 29Nm according wiki) and fire capacity to help in ambhibious operation in the vicity of helicopter mission. Thanks
  13. Hello, There is an issue with the weight of the SUU-25 x 8 LUU-2 - Target Marker Flares. The weight of a single SUU-25 is 287lb The weight of BRU-42 triple ejector rack 123lb So the weight of 3 SUU-25 on BRU-42 should be around 984lb But in the game (DCS Open Beta), the indicated weight is 1625lb. The issue is visible for A10C and AV8B modules. Can you please correct the weight? Slyvenne
  14. It seems the issue is not linked to the AV8B. There is the same issue on A10C.
  15. Hello, For some mission, there is not enough place on CV/Tarawa for every player (or the aircraft is not compatible). Currently, it is possible to add aircraft start on ground (every where on flat surface). And it is possible to add static cargo object on ships with a link to the ship (that enables slingload misdion). Is it possible to add a function that enable "start from ground" aircraft on a cv with link to cv? This enables to place much more aircraft on CV or try some mission like the Doolittle Raid with ground base aircraft.
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