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John McClane

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  1. Copy. Thanks!
  2. Yeah if Im by myself the AI just comes in for a shot and if it cant hit me then itll keep trying and making passes. Ill sit there wasting time until eventually it sees someone else and leaves. Just seems extremely unrealistic that if I land in a cluttered spot it can fly in from 50 miles away and know exactly where I am on the first pass. Thats why I wondered if the AH64 is transmitting something that can give my location away.
  3. I cant seem to avoid enemy AI fighters when I play multiplayer server. No matter what I do they find me. They can be 50 miles away and turn around and come straight for me, even when Im flying under 50’. I can hide by landing in a city or forest but they still come right for me and shoot me on the ground. I was wondering if this is a problem with AI having an unrealistic situational awareness or is the Apache transmitting something that is easily detectable? Its incredibly frustrating!
  4. Sounds like my experience. However I had it happen a few times in the last week. Ill keep this in mind next time.
  5. I dont remember, but I did try cycling through all the options, none would allow me to sight select tads and have normal control of the tads.
  6. Every once in a while I end up in a situation where my TADS is stuck slaved to the helmet. Ive tried sight selector switch to TADs but I cant control the TADs it still moves wherever I look. I cant figure out how Im getting into that situation where I cant get back to controlling the TADs on its own. Any ideas?
  7. That was it. Thanks!
  8. To update this I figured out what my issue is but it leaves me even more confused. My paddle switch modifier on some aircraft is held down and the second button pressed to make it work, as I thought was normal. It turns out on my Apache and A10C for some reason the paddle switch is pressed once and released, then anything I press after that is used with the modifier, as if its an on/off switch. I have to press it again to make it stop “working”. Anyone know why this is different between different aircraft and how to change it to “press and hold”?
  9. Ok. I didnt realize we can fly from the front seat.
  10. Am I doing something wrong here? I dont really ever use any George controls, I just fly out to the target area, find a good spot, get it in a stable hover and jump into front seat. If I need to move positions I jump to back seat, move, then jump into front seat. The problem is if we start taking fire whether its guns or a missile, George does not react or evade in any way. He just sits there and lets us get shot. Its nearly impossible to switch to the back seat, get it under control because its never given back to me the way I left it, and evade in time. Is this just a limitation?
  11. Not sure. I guess the paddle switch would have to send input on its own randomly when I happen to press the switch to trim, only once in a while. I map everything in the DCS menu for specific aircraft and specific seat (pilot vs cpg)
  12. The button pushed forward sets the trim, if I push the same button forward but use the paddle as a modifier it changes me to front seat. This all works normally 90% of the time. Every once in a while when I push button forward to trim it throws me in the front seat without hitting the paddle switch as a modifier. I dont understand why.
  13. I have the force trim set on my warthog stick as the thumb button forward. I also bound that same switch with a modifier as forward switch to CPG seat, and back switches to Pilot seat. Every once in a while Ill be flying along hitting the trim switch (forward) and itll throw me in the CPG seat without hitting the modifier. I have the modifier mapped as the paddle switch. How could hitting the switch forward to trim sometimes put me in the CPG seat without hitting the modifier? So strange.
  14. Same. I did last year and made it to the last day. Of course they started streaming right after I lost. I was talking to a Viper pilot at an airshow and tried to feel him out on the specific performance of the jet. He did say while holding 9G and in full burner the jet will accelerate below 10k’ not bleed off energy. How true that is I have no idea. But I do know pilot feedback should not be overlooked. I can quote some very specific performance figures on aircraft I have a lot of hours in. There are some things you just dont forget.
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