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Good Ol 73

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About Good Ol 73

  • Birthday November 21

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  • Flight Simulators
    Digital Combat Simulator.
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  1. How about a Docker container for a DCS sever? Edit: Someone already made one… https://github.com/Aterfax/DCS-World-Dedicated-Server-Docker
  2. @Flappie I got it working by setting the page file as mentioned above. But I did the repair nonetheless
  3. I just did this: I set my pagefile on the C and D drive to 16384. DCS is on the D drive. Probably not necessary to do both. The MT version runs now although I am not seeing any increase in FPS yet Edit: I was already running OpenXR toolkit 1.2.4
  4. This part of your log, just where mine ended… think this is the problem
  5. Same problem. Opening the regular dcs.exe with the new beta works fine. Opening the multi threading version makes it crash to desktop. The last lines of my log quoted below. Using Pimax 8KX. Tried with SteamVR and OpenXR - no difference.
  6. Such features (automatic in air rearm and refuel) would be useful to create mission for practicing Air Combat Maneuvering with friends. Reentering a holding area to refuel and rearm and get ready for another intercept would feel much better than ejecting after every turn. Naturally you could RTB but it would make training much less concentrated practice. Learning and practicing stuff and then see it all come together when you play a bigger mission with other people is the best part of DCS in my opinion. So I'd love a "GROUP REARM" and "GROUP REFUEL" as a trigger action.
  7. @Elphaba The regular scripts don’t have access to net functionality, hence I had to use a hook net.get_player_info(playerId, 'ucid')
  8. @Elphaba Not sure about that. You can make a on event function call that will run when something happens or a flag changes.
  9. You don't. Files in the hooks directory are automatically run when you restart the server. I.e. if you have bugs you need to restart the whole server
  10. I'm sorry but I am having trouble navigating Moose. I've been playing with it but just discovered AIRWING, AUFTRAG today. What I haven't figured out is where I download the Moose.lua version that has AUFTRAG (2.7 dev?). And is there still a Moose discord? Because all the links I find are invalid Thanks!
  11. Good evening! I am trying to revive an enemy aircraft that is set as uncontrolled. Not being able to Google my way to a solution I ended up back here. From this website: https://wiki.hoggitworld.com/view/DCS_command_start this should be possible: "If a group is set to spawn in an uncontrolled state, this command can be sent to start the group. AI will take-off from the base and follow their route as designated." However the setTask command does not work for me. And while I'm at it... is there a lua command that enables me to open the canopy of the uncontrolled airplane? For the Mig-29s I am using it should be argument 38 set to a value of 0.9; but I can't figure out how to set it. Thanks -- Manipulate Mig Group local MigGrp1 = Group.getByName('Bandit-1') if MigGrp1:isExist() then local Start = { id = 'Start', params = {} } MigCtrl1 = MigGrp1:getController() MigCtrl1:setTask(Start) -- <-- this does not work trigger.action.outText("Response: Mig Group started." , 35) end
  12. Thanks all... I ended up with the code below. Not really useful but I am mostly trying to learn my way around LUA and DCS. Now I got to figure out how to check the ucid against a list of known ucid's that I fly with. local xifyCall = {} function xifyCall.onPlayerTryChangeSlot(playerId, side, slotId) local playerName = net.get_player_info(playerId, 'name') net.log(" ---------------- Player Changed Slot: " .. playerName) local ucid = net.get_player_info(playerId, 'ucid') if ucid == "af445aca07f1c28e40275b40c79c8f3d" then net.log(" ---------------- A familiar face is visiting.") local text = string.format("return trigger.action.outText(\"Welcome LT COL %s\", 60);", playerName) net.dostring_in('server', text) local message = string.format("Welcome LT COL %s", playerName) net.send_chat_to(message, playerId) end end function xifyCall.onPlayerConnect(playerId) local ucid = net.get_player_info(playerId, 'ucid') local playerName = net.get_player_info(playerId, 'name') net.log("---------------- Player " .. playerName .. " Connected: " .. ucid) end DCS.setUserCallbacks(xifyCall) https://wiki.hoggitworld.com/view/Category:DCS_Hooks But it's not really beginner friendly IMO.
  13. The hooks are loaded when the server is started and will be there for all missions. Doing the DCS.isServer() or DCS.isMultiplayer() checks doesn't work in the mission. On the other hand trigger.action.outText() doesn't work in hooks, just in missions.
  14. Hi! I’ve gotten as far as creating a lua file in the hooks directory, a check to see if it’s a server and multiplayer and a callback which responds to onplayerconnect etc. How can I make it so that the player receives a message or a text output (trigger.action.outText didn’t work) upon connecting or changing slots etc? Thanks.
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