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Everything posted by Joss

  1. Hi ! Any news on this topic ? I've just started to learn the Ka50 and yes there isn't enough key bindings...
  2. yeah... Dust effects are very beautiful in SP, but i MP it's a nighmare. Planes can spot you 20nm away... Above sand it's nice, but above grass there is waaaay too much dust. I think ED needs to reduce dust effect and apply different effects according to the type of terrain.
  3. Hi, yes I solved my UFC problem. I repaired my Export.lua file by using the "repair lua" option in SimApp. It will generate a save of your old Export.lua but make a manual save before repairing it just in case. After that UFC should work, but you'll have to copy-past the other elements of your old Export.lua. In the new Export.lua you should have only the SimApp lines : local wwtlfs=require('lfs') dofile(wwtlfs.writedir()..'Scripts/wwt/wwtExport.lua') In my case, I had to place the Simapp lines below the other lines of command (streamdeck + tackview). Sometimes, after a restart, the two SimApp lines of command will be automatically generated above all the other lines. You just have to delete those two lines. You'll find in the attached files my Export.lua as an example Export_backup.lua
  4. Hi ! I have the same problem. I’ve just started to configure my MIP and everything is working fine except fir the UFC display. So was the repair. Lua the solution for you ? And I imagine that if I do it I’ll lost my tacview and streamdeck configurations ? thanks !
  5. Ok so I had a chance to try and it’s working properly if I press TDC down to enter TPOD DES. I don’t know why, but after the last open beta (or after I’ve changed my throttle a few days ago), my TPOD was not is TPOD DES after I designated a target using TDC Down and the speed vector. For me, you have to press TDC Down once and you’ll be, and stay, in TPOD DES. You can cycle through the Target Points easily, starting from the one you want (not necessarily from the first). Thanks for your help !
  6. Thank you very much ! I’ll try this !
  7. Hi, Does somebody owns the Winwing MIP and, if yes, is it easy to use with the Harrier ? I know there are preset displays configurations for the Hornet, Viper and Apache. Is it the same for the Harrier ? Thanks !
  8. Hi ! Tanks for your answer. I’ll try what you said later. So you think that I have to press TDC Depress before creating a TOO ? Usually I don’t do that and it works just fine because my TPOD is in TPOD DES by default. Also, I have no problem switching between TOO, even if I didn’t start from T1. here is how I performed an attack with gbu 54 before last update : 1) Sensor select Down twice to open the TPOD 2) find targets and create TOOs (TOO + enter on the UFC) 3) exit jdam on ESHD And enter jdam again to display the TGT information on the ODUs 4) select desired TOOs 5) align with the targets and, when in range, press the Bomb Pickle Button until all bombs are dropped That’s what I did before the last update, and it worked fine. I’ll just try what you said and make sure The TPOD is in TPOD DES (usually it is by default but I’ll make sure). If it still doesn’t work I’ll try to send a track. Thanks
  9. When you create a TOO using the TPOD, and that you drop a JDAM on this point, it will go elsewhere (it will target a random Target Point, and all the next TOO will be this random target point). Furthermore, when you hit the "waypoint designate" button to slave the TPOD to a TOO you've created in flight, it won't slave on the location you wanted but on the random location I've spoke about above. Same with Maverick : when you're targeting a precise point and hit uncage, the Mav seeker will be slaved to this random location. My Harrier is well aligned (INS on IFA). Even when you use the WP increment long, instead of TOO, to drop a JDAM, it won't work. Somebody has the same problem ?
  10. Joss

    L-39 upgrading

    Hi ! Happy new year ! Yes it would be sooo nice to have new textures and 3D model for the L39 ! I've tried it with the free trial some time ago but I did not buy the aircraft mainly because of the textures... It's a shame because this is such a fun aircraft to play ! Thanks ! Joss
  11. Hi ! For a few week now, I cannot change seat in the Gazelle. A few weeks ago (prior to the Apache update), I joined a friend in the left seat in multiplayer and, since then, I cannot change seat when I'm alone in my Gazelle, both in singleplayer and multiplayer. I checked my control setup and everything seems ok. I tried to uninstall the module and reinstall it, but nothing changed. Has somebody already experienced this issue ? And if yes do you have a solution ? Thanks for your help ! Joss
  12. Thanks @draconus!
  13. Well so I guess it is safe to say that it's hard to tell how many players DCS World has ! And like @Kangsaid, between people who only created an account, people playing once a month or regularly, it is hard to discriminate... I think we can say 100 000 users (solo or multiplayer) and maybe 400 000 registered. But that's worst than an estimation... Is there a way to see the number of people registered on the ED Forum ?
  14. (Maybe this post is in the wrong place, if so I'm really sorry) Hi ! As stated in the title : how many players DCS World has ? I found only one post on reddit that was adressing this topic, and it's a post from 2018 without any good answer... (maybe there isn't one available). I made some research and, from what I've seen, the number of players if 4 times higher now than it was in 2018 (you can see that with the increase of suscribers on ED Youtube channel, the increase of likes on their facebook page and the increase of the Steam player base). But I have not found anything on the number of players... I know this might be a strange question to ask, but I have the feeling aeronautical simulation market is increasing a lot recently, and I'd like to know if DCS World is benefiting from this good trend ! (I hope it is the case !). So what's the number of players (approximately) ? And what regions of the world play the most (United States, Europe, China, etc.) ? Thank you for your answer !
  15. Found it thank you very much ! Is there a document where I can find the rules, etc ?
  16. Hi ! Is the server running on openbeta or stable version ? I cannot find it in the openbeta server list... Thanks !
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