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Posts posted by bruddy32

  1. 1 hour ago, Admiral189 said:

    Hey Bruddy, 


    It seems they fixed it for the USS America lol because it's the only large ship i have that can transit the harbor. None of EDs AI ships can transit it. Not even the perry class. Nineline stated their will be more updates to it in later patches. Proof is in the pudding. You can see the Perry and the Arleigh aren't moving. I know for a fact that the games engine somehow read the vessels weight. Well the America is the heaviest ship i have and it glides through the Harbor with ease at 27 knots. 


    Today i will try to make sure all areas of the ship are textured and working properly. Yesterday we seen a glitch with RAZBAMs mods.  The Harrier wouldn't launch with stores from the Tarawa. I will test again today. 



    The AI harrier is currently broken. They’ve been looking into it since like June (it’s worked off and on since then) but since the latest update none of the old work arounds seem to work (setting the wind at 0)

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