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  1. Kharrn's post in Jettison the drag chute - possible problem was marked as the answer   
    maybe you mistakenly choose "in" and "deploy" instead of "release"? (like i did at first)
    If you go "in" after "release", the chute will disappear but it is not cut (=released). So more of a simulation issue imho.
    Binding works for me. 3 way switch. In-Deploy-Release
    If you are using a button you just need Deploy and Release (e.g. wirh a modifier).
    happy flying
  2. Kharrn's post in Pilot WAS'ed GUN(multiplayer) sometimes will not allow MAN RANGE set to AUTO was marked as the answer   
    Just as a side note:
    Have you checked that you are below 1.428 feet? Cause only below Radar Altimeter will function atm and you can only then set Auto Ranging afaik.
    Sry i wont watch modded tracks. IMHO you cant ask a developer to bughunt modded gameversions cause the dev cant know what the mod is changing codewise, especially not during EA. Just my 2 cents.
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