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    DCS World

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  1. Now days I'm trying to get opentrack in DCS. I finally have a good working copy although its a work in progress. Put the files to the respective folders in your pc and see a different approach in flying. In my case, DCS.ini file goes into the C:\Users\user name\Documents\opentrack-2.3 folder and TrackIr.diff.lua into the C:\Users\user name\Saved Games\DCS\Config\Input\P-51D\trackir. Hope this helps some people cause, I spent a lot of time trying to configure opentrack to work properly in DCS. Instead of configuring only the opentrack parameters in the program I also tweaked the parameters in DCS/OPTIONS/CONTROLS/P-51/AXIS COMMANDS/TRACKIR. I'm using a webcam and the neuralnet tracker. TrackIR.diff.lua DCS.ini
  2. To my understanding WEP was not used for hunting but for outrunning a foe on your tail as last resort. Personally I prefer my close turn maneuver which usually leave the foe pilot on my my tail confused and searching for me, As to the overheating engine issues the final solution is when you spot the coolant temp going near the max limit to set to off position the ignition switch. This will lead to immediate power loss and prevent the engine from overheating. After some seconds set the ignition switch to both magnetos and you are good to go. For the moment I am experimenting with that both in normal flight and in dogfights and it looks to be working fine. For example when climbing your speed is lowering down. Between 100 and 50 mph set the ignition switch to off. Maneuver your plane to turn back towards the ground and then set the ignition switch to both magnetos. It works. By the way it is not my discovery. I'm simply replicating what I saw the AI do during a dogfight with a foe P-51 D. I prepared a small tutorial for whoever is interested here.
  3. A small tutorial based on my experience on P-51 D Mustang to help new sim pilots with the mustang’s overheating issues. SET RPM to 2900 Set Manifold Pressure to 49 inHg. Try to fly the plane without pulling back the stick. If the stick is kept back results in loosing speed, forces the engine to work under pressure and it leads to overheating. In my experience the Mustang must be flown as α glider in order to avoid overheating issues. Remember you are flying a WWII airplane and not a jet. Avoid pushing your engine to the limits. Be patient. Don't use WEP. WEP should be used in extreme condition mainly to help you shake off your tail a foe and not to pursue one. You will eventually catch up to him with your engine in good condition. If you have to follow him up high try to do so for no more than 10''. The turn from up to dive should be made with rudder aileron if possible. When leveled if you want to increase speed the engine has no problem with overheating. Again be patient. Your plane without WEP will eventually catch up with your target. At the end of the day all that matters is to disable your foe without damaging your plane. You can find the relative video here.
  4. I don't have a lot of experience in the P-51 only 200 hrs. I figured out some things after a lot of trials and burns. One is for those who want to learn how to perform close turns with the Mustang, Close turns The other one is for those who want to learn how to climb to high altitutes without losing their engines. Climb Hope these will help somebody. Thank you for your time.
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