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Everything posted by Arktos

  1. I was under the impression that we are supposed to land with the speedbrakes deployed? Also, I got much better at on-AoA on-glideslope landings when I forced myself to practice overhead breaks for a while. Now it's just normal to break and pull g's until you are on-AoA and glideslope... it made it surprisingly automatic for me, at least.
  2. I pre-ordered and played at launch and I still feel the same way you do. I upgraded my VR headset (HP Reverb 2) just to have better resolution on the MFDs. It's tough to beat the feeling of taxiing this thing. Glad to hear you like it so much, keeps the population alive!
  3. @Grimes I was having this conversation with MrSkortch (unless you're the same person) in Github, all of my mission respawns now work with MIST 4.5.126. Thanks so much for the help, excited to get back into the mission with friends! MIST is awesome, by the way, thanks for the hard work to develop it.
  4. hi @toutenglisse-- thanks for the reply. I have tried this with: if mist.groupIsDead('GROUP') == true then mist.respawnGroup('GROUP', true) end To make things very simple, I've made a mission that has 1 tank spawn ten seconds in (called GROUP), after MIST loads, and gets killed by 3 other tanks. I've also added env.info("respawn") in the script to trigger a dcs.log INFO entry (at the suggestion of mrSkortch), and that is working within the script, as well. But still no respawn. I've even tried it as a repetitive action, and still no respawn. Any other thoughts? I really don't want to change the scripting over to MOOSE as others have suggested, I like how mist works with other functions, and it would be a ton of work.
  5. Hi all - My friends and I took a little break from DCS for a bit, and played again last night. I have some pretty decent scripted mission events running that rely on the 'mist.respawnGroup' script, and have worked for, well, ever. I'm assuming since one of the latest patches this script now does not work for ground unit respawns? My air units work just fine, and will respawn just like they did 6 months ago. No errors indicated in the log file, just no respawn. To be clear, I am setting a mission flag ON on a group dead trigger condition. My respawn trigger condition is flag ON, and time since flag. my actions are DO SCRIPT below, and turn the flag OFF. I also have a MESSAGE TO ALL debug message "debug_GROUPNAMErespawn" that IS working, so the conditions are being met to trigger the script, the script just isn't working like it did before. Methodology on aircraft respawns is identical, and IS working. if not Group.getByName('GROUPNAME') then mist.respawnGroup('GROUPNAME', true) end Any thoughts on this? I can't speak highly enough of the effectiveness of the MIST scripting tool, and it's given my friends and me tons of ability to generate some really fun missions to jump into for a few hours at a time, I'd love to get these back up and running.
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