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Everything posted by Storebror

  1. I just recently came back to playing DCS and figured that the AIM-9M on VSN AJS-37 outer wing stations perform an instant selfkill by exploding right off the rail. Any other weapon on any other station works fine. Not complaining as the VSN Viggen comes for free, just saying because "AIM-9M selkill" got me here. Cheers! Mike
  2. Thank you very much again Lt_Jaeger, it all starts making sense to me now Mike
  3. Alright I see. I've prepared myself a dead simple training mission where I'm attacking a flight of 4 Tu-22M3 head on, being equipped with 4xPhoenix, 2xSparrow and 2xSidewinder missiles myself. From what I witnessed, getting the initial TWS painting is a breeze and launching 4 Phoenix missiles from 15~20nm is more or less a guaranteed hit for all of them. Everything changes when I break away and turn in behind the Tupolevs. If I manage to keep a "safe" distance of at least 20nm, The AWG-9 will eventually pick up the Tupolevs again after a seemingly "endless" time of flying straight behind them (several minutes). I've checked scan limits this time and they were 80k (upper) and 0 (lower), so nothing should keep the AWG-9 from picking up the targets. If however I come closer, let's say I end up 15nm behind the Tupolevs, the AWG-9 will never pick them up in TWS mode. It does pick them almost immediately in STT mode (BVR -> STT Lock) and I can kill all Tupolevs "simulateneously" the same way like I do in TWS mode then (launch all 4 Phoenix missiles one after another) which seems funny to me, as STT Lock should be single target, shouldn't it? Mike
  4. Thanks for the feedback Lt_Jaeger, I'll have a look at beam sizes and scan limits, sounds promising! Mike
  5. Hi there, I admit I'm a newbie to DCS World, the F-14 and everything else, but I promise I did try to wrap my head around this myself first, read the manuals, read Chuck's guides, watch a couple of videos (e.g. Grim Reaper's Phoenix guides), talk to other friends who were much more proficient than me with both DCS and the F-14 (and they just came back with the very same issue), so here I am... What I'm trying to do here is to run a pretty simple test mission which I've found here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1861644772 The cold&dark start works a treat and while approaching the first waypoint, my AWG-9 picks up two IL-76s lingering there. I launch an AIM-54 on one of them, watch the missile hit the target, then figure that I got damn close to the target area meanwhile, turn around to get some distance for my 2nd shot, turn in again and then... nothing. Can't for my life get my AWG-9 to come up with any target, even when pointing my nose right at the other IL-76 or another Tu-95 that popped up meanwhile. Nothing. No matter what radar mode I chose (I've intended not to use any other than TWS auto, but eventually tried others like PD too), the best I get from the radar is one signal returned from something that's... dunno what? ... a SAM site?. I've captured a video of my latest attempt. Sorry for swearing, it became a bit annoying now that this was my fifth attempt and every time it ended up in a mess, always different, but in the end never working at all. Now that I'm a dumb newbie, I'm glad to receive any kind of advice how to get my trusty and rusty AWG-9 to "talk" to me again in similar situations. Thanks in advance. Mike
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